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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/20 in Posts

  1. Chris Pim

    Linking errors with FacebookAudienceNetwork

    Just to confirm, you don’t need most of the frameworks mentioned in the JVE Manual. It assumes you’re going to be installing all their components from the suite which require different dependencies. For FBAN and Abmob I think you only need some of them but I couldn’t easily tell you which ones.
  2. Arnaud Bouchez

    How create a website whit Delhpi

    Our Open Source mORMot has a powerful MVC Web development model, based on Mustache templates for HTML/CSS views, and interfaces/classes to write the Controller and the Model. Check https://synopse.info/files/html/Synopse mORMot Framework SAD 1.18.html#TITLE_498 and
  3. stijnsanders

    How create a website whit Delhpi

    I would humbly like to offer another alternative. By no means I want to imply it is any better than the other options of building a website with Delphi, but if you're willing to not use the RAD-side of Delphi, and its IDE, but want to use the Delphi language and its compiler, and combine HTML and server-side logic code in the same files much like (early!) PHP or Cold Fusion, I've created this solution to do just that: https://github.com/stijnsanders/xxm#xxm What I wanted was a way to create a website by working on the code, press F5 in a browser to put it to work, but have the website itself run from a freshly compiled DLL, from a Delphi project. This same DLL would use a generic interface, so by moving it from your development machine to a online web-server, you could use the same DLL with Apache httpd, IIS, or SCGI. It may take some work to get it going and set it up, and you don't have any support of a platform, but if you know what you're doing, that can be a good thing. Most other web-platforms I've witnessed all take some freedom away by the choices that have been made in their design, and you inevitably will hit these limitations later when you're trying to do something the platform wouldn't support. If you're interested to see a fully developed web-application on xxm, have a look here: https://github.com/stijnsanders/tx#tx (I once made "get started" tutorial, but should really update it, replace xxmLocal with xxmHttp and IE with Firefox or Chrome...)
  4. David Heffernan

    Multiple Instances of Python Engine

    What exactly is your rationale for wanting to use multiple engines? Why is it not possible to do this with a single engine?
  5. Dave Nottage

    Linking errors with FacebookAudienceNetwork

    Given that the instructions are to include the framework with the project, I assume he is loading it dynamically. If I have time, I'll give it a shot myself, however if you have this file: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/Kastri/blob/master/API/DW.iOSapi.FBAudienceNetwork.pas Replace the implementation section with: uses Posix.Dlfcn; var FANModule: THandle; // procedure FBAudienceNetworkLoader; cdecl; external libFBAudienceNetwork; // <---- Uncomment this if using static binding initialization FANModule := dlopen(MarshaledAString(libFBAudienceNetwork), RTLD_LAZY); finalization dlclose(FANModule); end. You'll still need to follow the instructions on the jvesoft site regarding signing/deploying FBAudienceNetwork Good luck! 🙂
  6. IanH9999

    Wrong version required at runtime

    Hello Do the instructions here help? https://github.com/pyscripter/python4delphi/wiki/FindingPython Ian