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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/21 in all areas

  1. Alexander Sviridenkov

    ANN: HTML Library 4.4 released

    What's new: 1. Flex support. Supported properties: display: flex flex-direction justify-content align-items align-self flex-basis flex-grow flex-shrink flex-wrap flex 2. CSS letter-spacing support for FMX/Windows canvas. 3. FontAwesome is upgraded to version 5.6. 4. CSS only-of-type pseudoclass sypport. 5. CSS clip-path support. 6. CSS break-after support. 7. Custom fonts support for FMX canvas (Windows and Linux). 8. Faster shadows in DX and FMX canvaces. 9. Faster text rendering on FMX/Windows canvas. 10. Smooth scolling of FMX Panel/Editor. 11. New global canvas class selector: HtUIDefaultCanvasClass: used by UI controls (Checkbox, Radio, Button, Listbox, etc.). By default is set to GDI. 12. HTML rendering (THtDocument.Draw) can now be used in threads. Use second parameter in constructor. 13. Added workaround for bug in VMWare v.16 which leads to blue screen when using DX canvas. 14. Faster rendering on DX canvas. 15. FMX.HtPanel.ScreenshotMode property for faster UI transitions. 16. Improved text rendering on GDI canvas. 17. HtMetafile class for all platforms with ability to save/load from stream/file. 18. Support for WOFF fonts (when using Office library). What is HTML Library: the only 100% native and cross-platform (all FMX platforms) HTML/CSS/SVG/MathML rendering library for all Delphi versions (5 - 10.4) and Lazarus. WYSIWYG HTML Editor with embedded toolbars, spellchecking and DOCX/RTF import / PDF export, powerful reporting engine with embedded SVG charts and QR codes, visual Math Equation editor, FastReport and ReportBuilder integration, Pascal scripting engine with debugger, SQL transformation/validation/translation and DB schema framework, Email sending/receiving framework and much more. Library is used by thousands of Delphi developers on all Delphi versions (from 5) and platforms. https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/
  2. Vandrovnik

    Micro optimization: Math.InRange

    Your cLoop constant is out of range, so I deleted one zero. Results on an old i7 920, Delphi 10.4.2 Pro, Release: 32bit: Math.InRange: 1083 IsInRange: 766 If: 759 64bit: Math.InRange: 722 IsInRange: 725 If: 721 K.
  3. Uwe Raabe

    Theme updates incomplete

    Regarding IDE themes I have given up trying to act 100% correct. As switching themes back and force is a rare process and the fact that the display is correct on the next IDE start led me to the decision to leave things as is for the moment.
  4. hyper-v is way faster in order of magnitude than vmware for desktop delphi ide usb you can insert them in client connect options
  5. RaelB

    Theme updates incomplete

    Ok. Recently, I have been using Dark Theme at night and Light Theme during the day, so have been switching themes quite frequently .