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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/21 in Posts

  1. Edwin Yip

    TBCEditor text editor component

    Great news! It seems that TBCEditor is coming back as open open source again as github.com/TextEditorPro/TTextEditor But looking at the texteditor.pro site, but quite sure the github repo is by Lasse the same author of the old TBCEditor. Not sure what improvements has been brought by the new version and but it seems doesn't support CJK characters, pity...
  2. Scooter Software has a full time Delphi developer position available, working on Beyond Compare, our file and folder comparison utility. Details available at https://www.scootersoftware.com/index.php?zz=job_opening
  3. The question is in overall size. If the size is not too big, which is again - typical, then the table with "unnecessary memory indirections" will work faster, because the logic here is simpler. A table, which inlines everything, must also pay its own price to prevent "wasting space by storing pointers" by introducing additional fields, doing bit manipulation and more array element accesses. But, such a table also wastes space because of lower "load factor", and for yet empty slots when SizeOf(Value) > SizeOf(Pointer). Some well known examples: - Java HashMap and Hashtable - heap allocated entries. Well, they have almost no choice, because Java has no structs. The only way to inline is to keep several parallel arrays. - C# Dictionary<K, V> - kind of tricky code, which preallocates all entries in a separate array, and then uses a kind of tiny embedded memory manager to provide entries from this array. As a result it stores two separate arrays (same waste of space) and indexes instead of direct pointers (waste of space; slower). Since all entries are preallocated, then it becomes even more waste of space when SizeOf(Value) > SizeOf(Pointer).
  4. Dave Novo

    Enbedded editor, debugging, etc...

    +1 for someone creating an embedded IDE based on PyScripter to embed into a Delphi application and provide Python editing and execution within your delphi app.
  5. ...ah, I see! Thanks, that made my day !
  6. My workaround for generic classes is a non-generic base class. The challenge is always how to wrap stuff in such a way that you can get done what you need get done with the methods and properties defined in the abstract base class. I.e. Keep the T stuff out of the methods as far as possible. Rough example... type TxQuery = class abstract protected function GetSQL: TStrings; virtual; abstract; function GetDataSet: TDataSet; virtual; abstract; public constructor Create; virtual; // doesn't really need to do anything but exist procedure Execute; virtual; abstract; property SQL: TStrings read GetSQL; property DataSet: TDataSet read GetDataSet; end; TxQuery<T: TFDDataSet> = class(TxQuery) private FiQuery: T; protected // overrides property iQuery: T read FiQuery write FiQuery; public // overrides constructor Create; override; // initialize the T stuff end; TxQueryClass = class of TxQuery;
  7. Stefan Glienke

    Round up to next $5

    Then only +1 when it has decimal places 😉 function RoundUpToFive(AValue: Double): Integer; begin Result := ((Trunc(AValue) div 5) + Byte(Frac(AValue) > 0)) * 5; end;
  8. @Dany Marmur Agreed - it's the job of runtime library developers to get the most out of their data structures and algorithms so the users of those libraries don't have to worry 99.9% of the time but just chose the reasonable type/algo for the job. Funny enough I am currently in the process to do exactly that for my library and can tell you that for the RTL it's certainly not the case, unfortunately.
  9. As I already said - the high constant factor with the RTL hash function is the problem - both TDict and Spring with faster equalitycomparer from Tiny.Library - results from an i5-3570 @ 3.4GHz Also testing in the global main is garbage because you are then using global variables that cause way less optimal code - fixing that (simply put all that benchmark code into a procedure) and you get the following results Win32: Get Name from ID (Search by integer): records Sequenced TArray.BinS TDict CustomBinS TSynDict Spring 10 26 375 25 24 32 27 50 56 447 25 29 32 26 100 83 473 26 32 35 25 1000 535 585 28 83 37 26 10000 5561 753 46 130 44 30 Get ID from Name (Search by string): records Sequenced TArray.BinS TDict CustomBinS TSynDict Spring 10 21 382 28 12 30 27 50 109 466 24 18 28 25 100 206 491 24 23 31 26 1000 2044 603 30 88 39 30 10000 20532 810 36 181 49 36 Win64: Get Name from ID (Search by integer): records Sequenced TArray.BinS TDict CustomBinS TSynDict Spring 10 24 297 26 23 32 26 50 60 323 26 30 31 26 100 94 328 26 40 32 26 1000 752 381 28 85 47 28 10000 8619 427 33 128 47 30 Get ID from Name (Search by string): records Sequenced TArray.BinS TDict CustomBinS TSynDict Spring 10 61 306 24 30 27 24 50 304 342 23 41 31 22 100 620 347 23 51 31 23 1000 6466 426 31 127 52 30 10000 64263 552 38 237 58 36
  10. Tommi Prami

    TBCEditor text editor component

    TBCEditor was made by my coworker. Saying "violation the SynEdit license" might be bit overstatement, as I remembered someone found couple of trivial pieces, when Author said show me the code and I'll rewrite, nobody did nothing so... It was ground up rewrite more than less from Scratch. Spend couple of years coding it every day basically. This weird dude who ripped TBCEditor off was extremely rude, so Author just took it off of public. Editor (or it's descendant) is in Text Editor Pro, which is very good text editor tool. And yes, totally abandoned and left in state that would need lot of work from dedicated people to fix for sure.