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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/21 in Posts

  1. Stefan Glienke

    10.4.1+ Custom Managed Records usable?

    If you are a seasoned Delphi developer you know that new features are not usable for like half a decade or so...
  2. Dalija Prasnikar

    10.4.1+ Custom Managed Records usable?

    I always had high hopes that by 10.7 everything will work as intended. Now we will have to wait until Delphi 17.
  3. Dalija Prasnikar

    10.4.1+ Custom Managed Records usable?

    I have seen plenty of developers (not only Delphi) jumping on new features and rewriting code for no good reason. It never hurts explicitly stating even the obvious things
  4. You can't put attributes on code not under your control (like the VCL f.i.).
  5. "Use constants" the boss told us: const cDecimals0 = 0; cDecimals1 = 1; cDecimals2 = 2; cDecimals3 = 3; cDecimals4 = 4; cDecimals5 = 5; cDecimals6 = 6; cDecimals7 = 7; cDecimals8 = 8; cDecimals9 = 9; cDecimals10 = 10; cDigits0 = 0; cDigits1 = 1; cDigits2 = 2; cDigits3 = 3; cDigits4 = 4; cDigits5 = 5; cDigits6 = 6; cDigits7 = 7; cDigits8 = 8; cDigits9 = 9; cDigits10 = 10; cDigits11 = 11; cDigits12 = 12; cDigits13 = 13; cDigits14 = 14; cDigits15 = 15; cDigits16 = 16; cDigits17 = 17; cDigits18 = 18; cDigits19 = 19; cDigits20 = 20; cDigits21 = 21; cDigits22 = 22; cDigits23 = 23; cDigits24 = 24; cDigits25 = 25; cDigits26 = 26; cDigits27 = 27; cDigits28 = 28; cDigits29 = 29; cDigits30 = 30; cDigits31 = 31; cDigits32 = 32; cDigits33 = 33; cDigits34 = 34; cDigits35 = 35; cDigits36 = 36; cDigits37 = 37; cDigits38 = 38; cDigits39 = 39; cDigits40 = 40; cEndPos0 = 0; cEndPos1 = 1; cEndPos2 = 2; cEndPos3 = 3; cEndPos4 = 4; cEndPos5 = 5; cEndPos6 = 6; cEndPos7 = 7; cEndPos8 = 8; cEndPos9 = 9; <snip...> cEndPos997 = 997; cEndPos998 = 998; cEndPos999 = 999; cEndPos1000 = 1000; cEndPos9000 = 9000; cIndex0 = 0; cIndex1 = 1; cIndex2 = 2; cIndex3 = 3; cIndex4 = 4; cIndex5 = 5; cIndex6 = 6; cIndex7 = 7; cIndex8 = 8; cIndex9 = 9; cIndex10 = 10; cIndex11 = 11; cIndex12 = 12; cLength1 = 1; cLength2 = 2; cLength3 = 3; cLength4 = 4; cLength5 = 5; cLength6 = 6; cLength7 = 7; cLength8 = 8; cLength9 = 9; cLength10 = 10; cLength11 = 11; cLength12 = 12; cLength13 = 13; cLength14 = 14; cLength15 = 15; cLength50 = 50; cLength102 = 102; cLength117 = 117; cLength298 = 298; cLength618 = 618; cLength800 = 800; cStartPos0 = 0; cStartPos1 = 1; cStartPos2 = 2; cStartPos3 = 3; cStartPos4 = 4; cStartPos5 = 5; cStartPos6 = 6; cStartPos7 = 7; cStartPos8 = 8; cStartPos9 = 9; <snip...> cStartPos995 = 995; cStartPos996 = 996; cStartPos997 = 997; cStartPos998 = 998; cStartPos999 = 999; cStartPos1000 = 1000;
  6. dummzeuch

    10.4.1+ Custom Managed Records usable?

    Why should I? Existing code just works as it is and unless there is a good reason to change it, I won't touch it.
  7. Der schöne Günther

    No StringHelper for saving to file?

    Saving to file has nothing to do with the string itself. What's next, myString.SendOverNetworkByUDP(..)? You have TFile.WriteAllText(filePath, fileContent) from System.IoUtils, that should be enough for everybody 😉
  8. julkas

    Dashboard for Firebird

    For web reporting I use Tibco. Good option - Apache SuperSet.
  9. MichaelT

    Absolute Database question

    The integrated everything integrated into an application with simplicity in mind is a Windows thing. No matter how you define alternative to SQLite the question is to whom does an application matter on a platform. In case of Linux I tend to think absolutely no one. Consider that most people tend to prefer something like small-foot print or light-weighted daemon based server rather than having to move a way from their SQL capabilities gathered over the years once being in the position to query data on their own is a must. That didn't change ever since SQL was introduced. Remember Access. Integration into the surrounding eco-systems of tools, backup/restore/repair and compatibility with tools and if a programming language is involved a certain kind of debugging facility. In order to get an impression if 'such a' database fits your purposes you will have to give it a try first. Don't trust any benchmark you didn't fake on your own. Usually all these so called hidden champions do their job surprisingly well. Have a look at blobs and encryption for example. All the well known alternatives of this kind of databases do their job pretty well and some of them are surprisingly performant. The Windows style of doing things is pretty different from the Unix/Linux style of doing things and Delphi style of doing things differ a lot more from the Windows style of doing so. Honestly I don't remember AbsoluteDB in particular. Today I think most DB solutions of these kind do their job pretty well.
  10. Fr0sT.Brutal

    FireBird, TFDConnection and concurrency

    Btw, you're in DLL so - Don't forget to set IsMultiThread to True manually - Don't do anything serious in DLLMain (and inside DLL project's begin-end block). DLL loading stage is pretty special, not much things are allowed here
  11. Jacek Laskowski

    FireBird, TFDConnection and concurrency

    No, he doesn't need to create TFDConnection, he can use TFDQuery alone and get the connection from the pool in it: FDQuery := TFDQuery.Create(nil); FDQuery.ConnectionName := RegisteredConnectionDefinitionString;
  12. D10.4.2: I've been getting a lot of instances lately with the IDE locking up when I opened a Debug Inspector window and tried to adjust the divider after making the window wider. All I can do is kill Delphi then restart it. It's not what I would call "reproducible" although it does sometimes happen repeatedly on the same variable a few times.
  13. I've noticed that the Refactoring in 10.4.2 can't Rename variables that are defined inline, only those that are defined between the Procedure/Function line and the opening 'begin'. In fact, the more inline vars I use, the less often I see the ability to rename even things defined in the class declaration up in the Interface section. I haven't seen anything mentioned about this.
  14. Perpeto

    TMS and CoPilot, and Delphi ?

    If we have a working LSP, we can talk about "LSP + new KI".. besides that I do not think there are enough delphi projects on github to "feed" copilot.. compared to more popular languages like js, c# etc