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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/21 in Posts

  1. corneliusdavid

    Delphi/FireDAC and Firebird 4

    Well, yes, I was surprised how many of those comments came through. In my recollection, most of those were near the beginning of the session. But consider this, too: responding with a quick smiley-face or one word response (e.g. "Agree!") takes far less time and effort than doing research on a question you may not know for sure. People take what is said in these sessions as gospel so the answerer needs to be certain what they're saying is spot-on.
  2. vfbb

    Component for GIF animation

    Currently skia4delphi closed beta supports gif on all platforms. The next release will be available in 2 weeks.
  3. corneliusdavid

    Bookmarks dead?

    The REST Debugger is definitely convenient--especially with the Copy Components button--but it is buggy and sometimes I have to restart that as well. I use bookmark stacks and the code mini map far more often, and in more projects, than the REST Debugger. Getting those back in the next month would make a nice Christmas present!
  4. While the above is valid for record helpers, it is indeed possible to extend class helpers. (It es even documented: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Class_and_Record_Helpers_(Delphi)#Helper_Syntax) In this example we extend the existing class helper TRESTRequestParameterHelper from REST.Client.pas (Delphi 11) with another method without hiding the ContentType member of TRESTRequestParameterHelper. type TMyRESTRequestParameterHelper = class helper (TRESTRequestParameterHelper) for TRESTRequestParameter procedure MyTest; end;
  5. Vincent Parrett

    Bookmarks dead?

    You seem to think we should all be grateful for what we get and be quiet, you forget that ultimately we are all paying customers, many of us having sunk significant amounts of money into delphi over the years (not to mention staking our careers on it). As paying customers, we have a right to expect better, and to complain and criticise when it's warranted - and sadly lately with Delphi it is warranted. I've paid for way more versions of delphi than I have actually been able to use (due to quality issues - including D11). As for the hard working team, well they are anonymous - name 5 people on the team (and I don't mean the product managers).. I'll wait.... Back in the day the dev team were on the newsgroups, interacting with their customers, now you would be hard pressed to name one of them that posts here. I have no idea if the 'team' (1 person, 5, 10? who knows) even reads these forums or if they even have any idea how their customers feels about what they are delivering. Some days I have to drag myself back to working on my delphi projects.. today I fired up delphi to debug a problem with FinalBuilder, the IDE crashed on the first run - not an uncommon occurance. I've used delphi since 1995, I have millions of lines of code invested in it - so I persist - but I very much doubt that potential new customers would do the same - I know I wouldn't if I were one of them.
  6. Dmitry Arefiev

    Delphi/FireDAC and Firebird 4

    Delphi 11 Update 1 will support Firebird 4.