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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/22 in all areas

  1. ConstantGardener

    Q for MAPI Expert

    @Attila Kovacs Thank you for the unit!
  2. Wow, what a long thread and discussion for something "simple". Use the 25-year old pattern for Delphi memory management: Foo := TFoo.Create; try finally Foo.Free; end; And let the exception raising begin. Anywhere.
  3. If you want to handle the exception on site, then the second option is the wrong way to do it for several reasons. Construction of an object can always fail because of OutOfMemory, so if you wanted to handle all exceptions at that point you have failed to do so. If you are fine to bubble up that exception further on and if except part (handling the exception) cannot raise exceptions, you don't need try..finally at all.
  4. This is pertinent to some of the discussion here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8550628/505088