Thank you, Dave! Changing %minSdkVersion% value in AndroidManifest.template.xml in combination with adapting NDK settings as per your (quoted) article increased the number of supported devices greatly! I tried platform android-19 fist, but that threw an error, so I settled with android-21.
It should be stressed that changing only %minSdkVersion%, as suggested by Philipp, does not do the job, as this "fakes" an environment which strictly doesn't exist.
My substantial main error though was, that I deleted target platform Android 32 bit from project manager in app version 2.10, caused by my misunderstanding of Google's policy, that apps have to support 64 bit from last August on. That does NOT mean, that app bundles should not also include a 32 bit package! Older devices obviously only accept 32 bit apps.
Now, with re-installed Android 32 platform and android-21 NDK platform settings, I am back to 17.463 devices. 🙂