Just use FMX.WebBrowser.Win.TGlobalEdgeBrowserSettings.UserDataFolder. It's global settings for all instances of Edge browsers in FMX applications. Be sure, you do it before showing forms.
/// <summary>Global settings, which is applied for creating Edge browser instances.</summary>
TGlobalEdgeBrowserSettings = class
class var FBrowserExecutableFolder: string;
class var FUserDataFolder: string;
/// <summary>
/// If set this specifies the location of msedgewebview2.exe, used with WebView2 Fixed Version Distribution mode:
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/concepts/distribution#fixed-version-distribution-mode
/// If not set this defaults to looking for an installed version of the WebView2 runtime or alternatively an
/// installation of Edge Canary.
/// Note that setting this property affects the next creation of the underlying WebView2 control. If this
/// component has already created a WebView2 control then setting this property will have no effect unless the
/// WebView2 control gets recreated (e.g. by ReinitializeWebView or ReinitializeWebViewWithNewBrowser).
/// If the path contains \Edge\Application\ then the WebView2 creation will fail.
/// </summary>
class property BrowserExecutableFolder: string read FBrowserExecutableFolder write FBrowserExecutableFolder;
/// <summary>
/// If set this specifies the location of the user data folder.
/// If not set this defaults to the folder {your_exe_name}.WebView2 in the same folder as the executable.
/// If folder creation permission is not available to the process where the user data folder needs to be created
/// then the creation of the underlying WebView2 control can fail.
/// The application will need to take responsibility for cleaning up the user data folder when it is no longer
/// required.
/// Note that setting this property affects the next creation of the underlying WebView2 control. If this
/// component has already created a WebView2 control then setting this property will have no effect unless the
/// WebView2 control gets recreated (e.g. by ReinitializeWebView or ReinitializeWebViewWithNewBrowser).
/// </summary>
class property UserDataFolder: string read FUserDataFolder write FUserDataFolder;