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  1. I have a different predicament. As soon as there is a bug somewhere, Insight doesn't offer anything. This was not the case before. Personally, it bothers me a lot. I would be happy if that could be changed.
  2. Remy Lebeau

    Send Email from Android with HTML message body

    If you include EXTRA_HTML_TEXT, that is supposed to be an alternative format to the plain text in EXTRA_TEXT. So maybe don't put HTML code in EXTRA_TEXT if you also put it in EXTRA_HTML_TEXT? Note that not all (or very few?) email apps actually support EXTRA_HTML_TEXT, which is why EXTRA_TEXT is also required. So it could be that on your device, EXTRA_HTML_TEXT is being ignored and displaying EXTRA_TEXT as plain text instead, which might explain why you are seeing the HTML code as plain text instead of as formatted text. Also, when adding HTML code to EXTRA_TEXT or EXTRA_HTML_TEXT, try passing it through the Html.FromHtml() method first, rather than adding it as a plain string.
  3. I took a keen interest in this, so have put together a demo, here: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/Kastri/tree/master/Demos/NotificationListenerService Please ensure that you read the readme, as it has information about how to configure a project of your own, should you use the code that the demo uses.
  4. Remy Lebeau

    Set pipeline between UI and cmd.exe

    It is equally important to make sure that only the remote ends of the pipe are actually inherited, not the local ends, or else you won't be able to handle the pipes being closed correctly when the child process exits. And also, be careful if you call CreateProcess() multiple times with bInheritHandles=TRUE, as each child process may end up inheriting handles you didn't intend for it to inherit. Vista addressed that issue with the PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST option of STARTUPINFOEX: Programmatically controlling which handles are inherited by new processes in Win32 Another way to create a process with attributes, maybe worse maybe better