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  1. Can't say, but for my purposes, I don't want to have to pay for a server thing to run my app. WEB Core translates the the Delphi code into javascript and embeds it into an HTML page that you can edit any way you want. All you have to do is copy the contents of the Debug or Release folder to a folder on your server and set the URL to open the HTML file (or if it's index.html, then just the folder it's in). I think that's a much simpler approach than unigui and IntraWeb offer, but that's just me.
  2. They don't have the same approach : TMS Web Core generates the front as HTML/CSS/JS from the Pascal code. UniGUI and IntraWeb générale a server program with create a dynamic web site : each page (or cal) is done to the server. You need to host it on Windows (IntraWeb/UniGUI) or Linux (UniGUI). The three solutions allow to draw your client pages/forms in Delphi. (aka "the front end") UniGUI / IntraWeb manage the server part. (aka "the back end") If you want only server part, you have many Delphi project templates, components or libraries to work with, starting with WebBroker (included for all Delphi edition since many years). Other samples : RAD Server (Enterprise/Architect editions), Delphi MVC Framework (open source from Daniele Teri), MARS (open source from Andrea Magni), ...
  3. The recruiter hasn't replied yet with details...
  4. Bbommel

    Looking for SVG support in Delphi?

    Thanks Uwe for your detailed instruction! For a first test I did a shortcut of this and simply replaced the searchpath to the "source" of the libraries by the path Lib\D11\Win32\Release and it works (of cause I'm loosing the chance to debug the library this way). I will also open an issue in the GitHub repository in case @Carlo Barazzetta misses this discussion here. 🙂
  5. Uwe Raabe

    Looking for SVG support in Delphi?

    When compiling the packages set dedicated DCU output folders for RELEASE and DEBUG. Then compile the packages first with DEBUG configuration and after that with RELEASE configuration (the other way round would make you work with DEBUG packages in the IDE). Then copy all DFM and RES files from the sources to the RELEASE DCU folder. In your Project Options replace the Search path to the SVG sources with the RELEASE DCU folder from above in the BASE configuration and add the DEBUG DCU folder in the DEBUG configuration. That way the debug dcus are found before the release dcus, while the resource files are still taken from the release folder. To make the debugger find the source files, select Debugger in Project Options, switch to the DEBUG configuration and add the source folder you just replaced to Source Path.
  6. I stopped asking or answering questions on SO years ago due to the moderation. Life is too short to bother with the aggravation.
  7. Remy Lebeau

    TidHTTPServer with SSL in Delphi 10.3.3 and 10.4.2

    You are not taking this change into account: Behavioral change to HTTPS handling in TIdHTTPServer When using non-default HTTP/S ports (as you are), you need to assign an OnQuerySSLPort event handler to tell TIdHTTPServer which port(s) you want to activate SSL/TLS on. In the older version, you could get away with not having that handler, but it is required now.