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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/23 in all areas

  1. It's a shame that Delphi does not have {$PUSH}/{$POP} directives like FreePascal has, that would clean up that code a bit, eg: {$PUSH}{$R-} TempInt := TempInt * 11; {$POP} This has already been requested in Delphi for many many years, but nothing ever came of it: QC #56908: Save and restore compiler directives with push/pop RSP-14045: {$BEGINOPT R+,Q-} ... {$ENDOPT} RSP-38847: Implement stack-like push/pop for compiler directives to preserve/restore state
  2. hackbrew

    Delphi 10.4.2 add support for Android 13

    @programmerdelphi2k I really appreciate all the time you took with me to get me where my system is now, and I learned a lot about manually updating Android in the process. Thank you! I finally upgraded my system to 11.3 and I have my apps working on Android 13. There are some new problems (change in permissions, sending an intent to mapping software not working, storing files, and keyboard issues when devices are using different virtual keyboards) to work through, but I'm slowly working my way forward. Thanks again!
  3. No. There's only rename being run by post-build event and libsuffix
  4. Dave Craggs

    Stringgrid cell color

    This should be a basic question, but I am trying to draw the colour of a cell in a stringrid grdDetails.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; grdDetails.Canvas.Brush.Color := clSilver; grdDetails.Canvas.TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left, Rect.Top+4, 'Test Header'); But I am getting this Note the cell is not fully coloured. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
  5. Only for WARN: Warning messages (Delphi)
  6. Attila Kovacs

    Stringgrid cell color

    It's the "Defaultdrawing" property. Set it to false.
  7. Remy Lebeau

    How to Sort TStringList ?

    Yes, simply use TStringList.CustomSort() to sort the strings however you want, eg: function MySortFunc(List: TStringList; Index1, Index2: Integer): Integer; begin Result := StrToInt(Copy(List[Index2], 4, MaxInt)) - StrToInt(Copy(List[Index1], 4, MaxInt)); end; ... var SL: TStringList; SL := TStringList.Create; ... SL.Add('ABC10'); SL.Add('ABC1'); SL.Add('ABC2'); SL.Add('ABC21'); SL.CustomSort(@MySortFunc); ... SL.Free;
  8. Fr0sT.Brutal

    VCL Wrap

    TSuperButton = class(TButton) ... end; TButton = TSuperButton // ! the trick Tform1 = class(TForm) btn: TButton; // <- will be TSuperButton in fact Type reassignment trick
  10. Bbommel

    Looking for SVG support in Delphi?

    Thanks Uwe for your detailed instruction! For a first test I did a shortcut of this and simply replaced the searchpath to the "source" of the libraries by the path Lib\D11\Win32\Release and it works (of cause I'm loosing the chance to debug the library this way). I will also open an issue in the GitHub repository in case @Carlo Barazzetta misses this discussion here. 🙂