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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/23 in Posts

  1. When buying third party component be sure to buy with FULL source code. And when you receive it, first thing to do is discard any dcu, bpl, obj, dll and all other binary files and rebuild everything. That way you are sure to have full source code an use that code. Why? Because one day or another the developer will disappear or stop updating his code for next Delphi release. With full source code, you can simply [most of the time] rebuild the product with the next Delphi version.
  2. Have a look at SQLite as Anders suggested: https://sqlite.org/appfileformat.html
  3. Buy a GPS watch. Or install strava on your phone.
  4. Anders Melander

    TFruit class moved to component

    You (mostly) just need to derive your class from TComponent: type TFruit = class(TComponent) private FColor: string; protected public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; published property Color: string read FColor write FColor; end; ...and then you also need to register your component: procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Cool Stuff', [TFruit]); end; I suggest you read the documentation.
  5. Not so simple then, I've not seen running code that executes with identical integrity, tokens and access.. A few posts on SO claim to have solved it but the Scheduler works so I've found no need to retest all for that.. ShellRun('Open', 'Schtasks', '/Create /F /SC ONCE /TN taskname /TR "<cmd>" /ST 00:00', swHide); ShellRun('Open', 'Schtasks', '/Run /TN taskname', swHide); ShellRun('Open', 'Schtasks', '/Delete /F /TN taskname', swHide); Add some error checking and it works..