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  1. Did you know that the following will automatically work with TDictionary: type TMyKey = record public class operator Equal(const A, B: TMyKey): Boolean; function GetHashCode: Integer; end; Without the need to write custom equality comparer. At least in Delphi 12 it works. And System.TypeIfo unit contains GetRecCompareAddrs function, which is used in default equality comparer implementation. I realized it only recently, and see no docs/info on the internet.
  2. Can't be asked - I am using the sfw (safe for work) version 😇
  3. FWIW the assembly implementation of that function is pointless given you can do it in a way more readable way - also performance cannot be a reason given the following call to mem_write causes a temporary heap allocation to convert your hex_code variable into an AnsiString. Quickly slapped together (anyone who wants to further optimize this - be my guest, i cba right now): type hex_code = Array [1 .. 4] of AnsiChar; function Int2Hex(c: Word): hex_code; const HexChars: array[0..15] of AnsiChar = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var i: NativeUInt; begin i := c; Result[4] := HexChars[i and $0F]; i := i shr 4; Result[3] := HexChars[i and $0F]; i := i shr 4; Result[2] := HexChars[i and $0F]; i := i shr 4; Result[1] := HexChars[i and $0F]; end; and then instead of mem_write with AnsiString as the first argument use one that writes 4 bytes at once.
  4. Nigel Thomas

    CreateleOleObject not working/undeclared

    Check your spelling?
  5. Uwe Raabe

    F2047 Circular unit reference.

    The plethora of working Delphi programs are proof that there already exist concepts to eliminate dependencies between units. They may differ from those available in other programming languages, though. IMHO, circular dependencies should be eliminated even if they appear in implementation sections and thus making the code compile. I wouldn't support any request to extend that in any way leading to more circular dependencies.