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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/24 in all areas

  1. Hi All I created a Delphi implementation of ULID - A Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier. ULID's are a better option than GUIDs where sorting is needed 128-bit compatibility with UUID 1.21e+24 unique ULIDs per millisecond Lexicographically sortable! Canonically encoded as a 26 character string, as opposed to the 36 character UUID Uses Crockford's base32 for better efficiency and readability (5 bits per character) Case insensitive No special characters (URL safe) Monotonic sort order (correctly detects and handles the same millisecond) https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/VSoft.Ulid
  2. A.M. Hoornweg

    Windows 11, VMWare Workstation, very slow VCL redraw

    I've found the solution. Turning OFF 3-D acceleration in the VM made the issue disappear completely!
  3. alejandro.sawers

    Android 15 and edge-to-edge enforcement

    Not right now, but I know sometimes Embarcadero can miss things like these and put us in a hurry eventually. I tried this with the same FMX app (I had to put a Client aligned TLayout for Padding to work and then the TButton inside it) and voila: Thanks Dave. This should work until an official fix is given.
  4. ertank

    Firebird database on Android

    I would suggest to use SQLite on a mobile device rather than FirebirdSQL if you do really need to save some data on the device itself. Is there any particular reason you want to use FirebirdSQL?
  5. Stefan Glienke

    Devin AI - Is it already happening?

    It's really embarrassing to see how many people who work in software development don't know how generative AI works and are being fooled by it like an average TikTok teenager.
  6. If you need an integration for MarkDown files into Delphi apps, you can find some interesting open-source projects that I'm working on. MarkDownHelpViewer Project The MarkDownHelpViewer, is an Open-Source project to provide a Delphi-integrated help system using markdown files for online "help" creation. The project includes a ready Viewer with its setup to be installed on the user's machine (in practice the equivalent of hh.exe for the help in .chm format (see image) and an "interface" file to add to your own application that hooks the viewer to the "HelpContext" or "HelpKeyword" set on the Delphi components. Besides this also a component that can be used internally to the Delphi application to display help files. Here is the link to the project: https://github.com/EtheaDev/MarkdownHelpViewer This is a "Preview" of the viewer showing the help from the "wiki" of the InstantObjects project: There's also a small demo in the project that explains how to integrate the help with your Delphi application, including the ability to use a MarkDownViewer component right inside your application: The MarkDownShellExtensions Project In addition to the viewer, I recommend to use the MarkDown file editor, which comes with my other project available here: https://github.com/EtheaDev/MarkdownShellExtensions with which it is possible to edit the MarkDown files and immediately see the preview of the final result: Combining the two projects you will be able to offer your Delphi applications a fully integrated and easy to maintain Help system for the end user: when you need to update the images of your application because the GUI has changed, it will be sufficient to update the image on disk and update the associated markdown file, without the need for further updates, in order to always have the help updated to the latest release. Furthermore, the MarkDown format allows it to be easily published (for example as a "wiki" on Git-Hub) and is easily maintainable because it can be subjected to version-control. Those two projects are based on other Open-source projects, like: 1: SVGIconImageList: https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList 2: HtmlViewer: https://github.com/BerndGabriel/HtmlViewer) 2: SynEdit: https://github.com/SynEdit/SynEdit 3: VCLStyleUtils: https://github.com/RRUZ/vcl-styles-utils 4: Delphi-Markdown: https://github.com/grahamegrieve/delphi-markdown