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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/24 in all areas

  1. Remy Lebeau

    Buggy auto-completion

    Agreed. I'm constantly having to fight with the auto-complete, taking time to edit/undo what it generates. Embarcadero should really focus more effort on this area.
  2. Stefan Glienke

    updated Delphi64RTL intel ipp onetbb

    You *must not* remove that line - Move in Delphi allowed to be called with negative Count (a possible result of some size calculation), resulting in a no-op in the System implementation. Passing a negative number to most C++ implementations will result in passing a value >2mio because their size parameter is unsigned. Also, the performance difference is hardly about that little check but the ippsMove_8u implementation.
  3. My dzlib contains several helper functions to add TEdit-autocompletion for directories, files (with a filter) and generic strings from a string list. All of them worked fine for me and were used in several our internal programs. But that changed when trying them with Delphi 11 as @Carlo Barazzetta found out: Using these functions now raised a system exception as soon as the IEnumString.Next method was being called the first time. It turned out that the way I tried to cheat with the memory allocation of WideStrings no longer works. Read on in the blog post.
  4. Alexander Sviridenkov

    WebUI framework: Technical preview. Part 1.

    Main differences: 1. In WebUI you do not work with simple control like Label, Edit, Combo, etc., only with high level entities. F.e. "I want to have a filter on toolbar for this field". 2. Library is not tied to certain JS/CSSlibraries, you can define how it will render UI by changing templates. 3. UI is designed in browser and is stored in DB. Therefore: a) You can have different UI on each customer/site using one compiled application. And easily copy/paste forms between sites. b) Changes are more simple. Standard way: Customer request, f.e. add new column to grid - Open application in IDE, find form, find dataset, change query, find grid, add column, compile, test, send back to customer. WebIUI - press F2 in browser, open designer, change SQL, add column, press Apply. 4. Very powerful grid/listview. Easy to define cell content, color, background, format, etc. 5. Lot of built-in features (with UI created using WebUI itself) - localization with automatic translation, session management, forms management, SQL and pages profiling, server monitoring, etc. 6. Embedded access rights management. All entities are linked to dataclasses and UI is displayed with respect to current user role (f.e. Delete button will be hidded if role has no delete rights for this class). 7. SQL, JS, Scripts editors with completion and hints. 8. Some parts are created automatically basing on DB schema and content anylysis. You can download demo, enter you database details and get working application in 1-5 minutes. 9. Easy integration with Delphi, Register you class in WebUI and you will be able to call any of its methods from scripts.