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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/24 in Posts

  1. Brandon Staggs

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    You may not understand how Delphi works. In Delphi, all of your third-party components are DLLs running in the IDE's process. That's how RAD works, for better or worse, and it means that problems in third-party components will often cause havoc in your IDE. If you are unwilling to start from scratch with no third-party components and do some basic trial-and-error you will never know if the problem you are having is Delphi or not. I can say I do simple and complex searching in the IDE every day many many times as I work and I do not have any problems with those features. The most likely difference between my setup and yours is going to be what components we have running in the IDE, so, it's a good place to start.
  2. Brian Evans

    Do you need an ARM64 compiler for Windows?

    There is not one executable format but two: ARM64 and ARM64EC (ARM64X PE files) on Windows 11 ARM64. The latter makes moving to ARM incrementally easier but does complicate things for third party compiler makers like Embarcadero. Bit a shit show from Microsoft over the last decade - first Windows on ARM had a new API only, then Win32 / x86 emulation and now finally a way to mix x86 and specially built ARM binaries. I think ARM will fall behind as a platform because it is fragmented and siloed. Remember how M68000 got beat by x86 - thanks to DOS and then Windows becoming a widely used platform x86 got an order of magnitude more $$$ invested into the platform. ARM just doesn't have the $$$ getting invested into platform improvements that x86 does and some of the improvements don't go to all users - like x86 emulation help on Apple M1 CPUs not available elsewhere. Contrast that to AMD's Ryzen/EPYC all using the same CPU tiles - the improvements from investment hit everything from Valve Steam Deck handhelds, Threadripper PRO workstations and the FRONTIER supercomputer.
  3. Lars Fosdal

    Do you need an ARM64 compiler for Windows?

    uncertainty, doubt - Is it unthinkable that the codegen would be scheduled for improvements when adding support for Windows for ARM?
  4. pyscripter

    SynEdit now has annotated Scrollbars.

    There are about 75 highlighters and It is not too difficult to add new ones. You can start with a highlighter for a language that is quite similar and adapt it, e.g. change the keywords. There is also SynGen that helps you create a highlighter from scratch. You can request a highlighter and someone may have or contribute a new one. Regarding Powershell have a look at this discussion. It contains an extended General highlighter that can be adapted to practically any language. PSPad uses that unit to support syntax highlighting for 180 programming languages.
  5. Since the params parameter in the ExecuteProcess function is string, I would not use PChar casting in Parameters variable; use strings. And for testing I would try it without "stdout > ...". And I would try to use the path to the DB insterad of "gds_db".
  6. Angus Robertson

    SSl witout any DLL

    I integrated YuOpenSSL into ICS three years ago and alternate using it and OpenSSL for testing. ICS also allows the OpenSSLs to be compiled into applications as resources to ease distribution and DLL hell, all three variants work identically. But applications are larger with YuOpenSSL or resource files. Using SChannel may seem simpler, but your cryptography and updates are then locked to the OS, Microsoft only reluctantly support TLS/1,2 With Windows 2008 but did not support EC certificates, and TLS/1.3 took a long time to arrive. In ICS, I've worked with many of the Windows crypto APIs, and they are horrible. Angus Angus
  7. UniqueString(CmdLine); Before CreateProcess ?
  8. pyscripter

    SynEdit now has annotated Scrollbars.

    Flow control symbols have also been added: Technical details.
  9. DelphiUdIT

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    I don't have any IDE experts installed (except BCompare), no Parnassus, no getit package except D4P, JCL, JVCL and Indy compiled from github. I removed FIREUILivePreview and EMS components (not compatibles with Indy from github). Except for what I have signaled on QP (AV when switch from Delphi to Mixed Delphi / C++ prj and a Issue with project panel view). I don't have other problems. I used Rad Studio, and switch without close it from Win64 Delphi project and Android Delphi project with debugging either. Changed also the SDK settings (for various release of Android). Always without close the IDE. No issue at all. Like others I'm lucky.
  10. Brandon Staggs

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    How about removing all of your third-party components from the IDE, and adding each one back until you determine which one is the problem?