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  1. David Heffernan

    Scheduled tasks at system time

    Eventually when you discover all the flaws in your solution you'll come back to using the system scheduler.
  2. Lars Fosdal

    Scheduled tasks at system time

    Actually, I wasn't thinking of OTL at all - but that would be worth looking into. I attached a generic scheduler though. I had to clean out some proprietary code, but not much. The idea is that the generic type T is an enumerated type like f.x. TJob = (jobUnknown, jobUpdateFiles, jobPublishPage, jobCleanupOldData, jobEtcEtcEtc); The actual task manager is a different story. It would take me quite some time to "unproprietaryize" that one - and that is really where the work is. GenericScheduler.pas
  3. I too am a Consolas guy.
  4. A.M. Hoornweg

    Why can't I install this monospaced font in Delphi ?

    Currently "Consolas" and "Source Code Pro" are my favorites.