Pretty impressed by Delphi 11.1!
Upgraded most of my projects from 10.2 and finally I can say that this is version stable enough to move from 10.2. Versions 10.3 and 10.4 were just not ready.
A few observations:
- IDE crashes a lot less (perhaps only 2 crash & close so far)
- still occasional F2084 Internal Error, but at least it doesn't close IDE and you can just compile again (10.2 would crash and close most of the time on these errors)
- The LSP works pretty good, there's constant delay, but is worth waiting because it works correctly most of the time
- I was hoping the IDE would be slightly faster, but there is a constant slight delay (I assume LSP is kicking in)
- ctlr+click works better, almost always
- faster handling big main form (open, close)
- commenting lines works without a glitch (10.2: sometimes when I want to comment a line, as soon as I press CTRL+/ the cursor jumps up and down and it comments the first line in the unit. very annoying)
- 64bit compiler compiles faster and always (10.2 would crash often)
- error insight is improved and more accurate
- Structure view improved, faster and less jittery (10.2 would occasionally hang for a bit on large form)
- compiler hints improved, more are shown right from the start so you can sort them out (10.2 would suddenly surprise you with a few more that were not shown before)
- I like the new Options window, the size persists, especially Library window
- context option to close units: Close - All to the right, is pretty nice, too!
They did break one thing (well, it was broken in 10.3 already, still not fixed), but is not a deal breaker (at this point):
- Debug Watch list evaluator is broken for some simple cases ( )
Embarcadero did a good job with D11.1!