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  1. TL;DR: race condition means any use of the PPL may lead to a crash https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-40169
  2. programmerdelphi2k

    Include External Text Files in Output Folder

    In RAD Studio it's so easy too! you can add any file in your project, of course, your "EXE"/DLL/etc... it will be "bloated" depending on the type of file you will include! in your case, I think that using "Deployment" menu will be better, because you can define where yours files will be placed, including what names it will have! other way, you can use the "events"when compiling your project... but I think that your better choice is "Deployment"
  3. Daniel

    No one can help

    Next time please choose a meaningful subject for your thread.
  4. OK, so there are two bugs: the documentation is (and has always been) wrong. the implementation in Delphi 11 was "verschlimmbessert" (made worse by trying to improve it). The function BinarySearch should have been called differently (yes, off by one) Goes to show that I should simply have done what I did while the quality of the docs was even worse than it is today: Look at the sources.
  5. Remy Lebeau

    DL a file from the web

    This code has many small mistakes. Too many try's. Undefined behavior calling InternetCloseHandle() on invalid handles if either InternetOpen() or InternetOpenUrl() fail. Misuse of GetLastError(). Not reporting an error if InternetReadFile() fails. Not making sure FBuffer actually writes all of the bytes it is given.
  6. Remy Lebeau

    DL a file from the web

    It raises an exception on error. However, internally it uses Windows' Urlmon.URLDownloadToFile() function, which is notoriously buggy, and crappy at reporting errors.