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Posts posted by limelect

  1. It is much simpler than everybody suggestion (sorry)

    I guess on key pres comes from a component (edit?)

    1. Keep the source section on keypress.

    2. Delete on the component where the onkeypress points.

    3.. press it again it will point to a new location

    4. move your old source to the new with changes if needed


    Am I correct guys?


  2. 1.use FDConnection1

    2.FDConnection1BeforeConnect  >>>>FDConnection1.Params.Values['Database'] := 'Applications.db';

    3. FDConnection1AfterConnect>>>>

      FilesFDTable.TableName := 'Files';
      FilesFDTable.Active := True;
     Now you can use table or sql


  3. On 11/24/2021 at 5:13 PM, Guba said:

    THANKS A LOT, but I have to know if is there any procedure to convert a gregorian date (our common dates) to hebrew date and vice-versa.

    Or, better, to convert any julian date to hebrew date and vice-versa.

    Thanks for your reply.







    I made this component years ago so I cannot help

    By the way, independence day is not there it is only religious days

  4. @Dalija PrasnikarLet me point  a few things

    In the old days, ver 7 was very stable and I am still happy to use it on some old projects.

    As of today, 10.2.3 is very stable and I am glad to use it.

    As for Android "Android Studio" give me a solution even with the old OS on the new phone.

    I do not need to have the new update (although I do) to work on a new phone.

    With Embarcadero I have to pay lots of $ and still not satisfied.

    Android Studio is free. And works almost without a glitch.

    After my experience with D.4.2 I will definitely not evaluate

    11 (maybe I will change my mind) to be sure that the product is not perfect.

    I do not expect 100% as we are all in the software business and we know what is all about.

    But to have a bad product like D4.2 is totally unacceptable.

  5. 6 minutes ago, FPiette said:

    Evaluating old versions is useless. Before deciding, do your evaluation with Delphi 11 trial (Free for 30 days. Trial <> community edition).

    No, sorry to say that what you think is that 10.4 is buggy that why we have 11?

    Sorry, I do not agree. With all those software guys it should have been almost

    good. I do not say that a big company is free of bugs.

    But to have such a product (10.4) from Embarcadero is bad practice.

    And they will not survive.

  6. Let me clarify some things.

    First, I love Delphi. I am with it since #1

    Yes, I am grown by now.

    For windows, it is a great product.

    However, for Android it is bad.

    Huge application size.

    I love its IDE.

    I have been working with Android Studio and I hate its IDE

    However small application size and it works without a glitch.

    No matter which phone I take it works.

    Its software language (java) is fairly complicated. Not the java itself.

    Java is  OK but its use for Android development is complicated.

    But compere to Delphi it works without any problem.


    I which Embarcdero takes some of us, users, into consideration

    and thinks of the future if they want to keep existing.

  7. I did not know where to write my experience so here it is


    I downloaded Delphi Community Edition 10.4.2 for evaluation.
    Now I work with 10.2.3
    I manly downloaded it for the Android work.
    I have an application that works on phones under S21.
    In Galaxy S21 it does not work so I wanted to
    compile and install it with 10.4.
    So for my experience which was awful.


    First, I compiled a form button and label and saw
    that it works.
    Next, I made a virtual phone that I spent hours installing
    until I got to the point that it load but have a black screen.
    I abandoned the task and went to the evaluation on my phone s21.
    I took my source  (worked with D10.2.3 ) loaded it into the 10.4 application.
    some files are needed. to be included in the search path. So I looked into the Delphi option
    to find that there is no global search for files.
    Left that.
    Go to the project option and put the files directory there.
    To my amazement no matter what I did Delphi did not find
    the files.
    I ended adding the files into the project!!!
    With a lot of work I compiled.
    A new problem icons error. why? 
    So I ended up doing the next thing. Made a new form
    and project with the same name I needed and copied all my files
    to that project.
    Now it compile and loaded to my phone.
    Remember I do not have a virtual phone black screen.

    Ok now for the worst experience.
    My Android program gets stuck on the splash screen.
    So next debug.
    On form create to see what is going on.
    Break. See with cntr F7 information.Nothing.An error within F7.
    Next run with F8. Well, this is the best.
    On each F8 it compiles again.

    What do you think guys? Should I buy such a product?

