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Found 273 results

  1. Sherlock

    How to sign .msix packages

    So, I've been kept from doing things by this little, trivial problem. I've been trying to sign an msix package for days now, and am getting nowhere. I can sign Win32 and Win64 executables just fine, Delphi will create unsigned msix packages just as good. But I just can't for the life of me sign an msix. I always get the same error message, it does not matter, if this package contains my application or just a simple dummy, or if it is win32 or win64: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.26100.0\x64\signtool.exe" sign /v /a /fd SHA256 C:\Win\SignTest\Win64\Release\SignTest\bin\SignTest.msix The following certificate was selected: Issued to: My Company Issued by: Certum Extended Validation Code Signing 2021 CA Expires: Sat Jan 08 12:11:18 2028 SHA1 hash: E7C16794EA23F573DE3EA32B5B564717CE84CC75 Done Adding Additional Store SignTool Error: This file format cannot be signed because it is not recognized. SignTool Error: An error occurred while attempting to sign: C:\Win\SignTest\Win64\Release\SignTest\bin\SignTest.msix Number of files successfully Signed: 0 Number of warnings: 0 Number of errors: 1 I even built the msix externally with the makeappx tool from the SDK, that works just fine (as it should, Delphi uses it as well), but in the end...same error as above as soon as I want to sign the package. The AppManifest.xml is in good shape, syntactically and content-wise. The only assets are two png Icons that can be read just fine. The executable itself can be signed with no trouble at all. What am I missing?
  2. Hi From the contacts I have from time to time following presentations or training courses, it seems that I'm better known for the video game coding part of my hobby than for the other stuff. It's true that I find it more fun (especially to stream on Twitch), but I also have utilities for Delphi developers created to simplify my life that I make available as binaries and source code on my GitHub account. App Stores Screen Captures Generator : to generate all the needed images from your screen captures when you have to publish your softwares on current app stores Copyright Pascal Projects : to add a copyright text in the header of each PAS/DPR files of a folder tree DProj To Windows Setup : to generate the Windows setup from Delphi deployment wizard data. It uses Inno Setup to create the install program and Exe Bulk Signing to sign the exe files. Exe Bulk Signing : a local and network signing program for Windows executables (exe+msix). It has an API you can use to integrate it in your projects like I did with "DProj To Windows Setup". Folder to FMX Image List : to create a FireMonkey TImageList to copy paste in your project or in a data module unit from all images in a folder tree. It fills the multires bitmaps depending on file names. Google Play Developer Banner Generator : to create a picture to use has your Play Store developer banner composed by a random collage of images you add to your project. I use it with icons of my Android apps. HTML Writer : to simply get HTML source code or WYSIWYG HTML content. I use Delphi HTML Components library in this program to have the WYSYWYG HTML editor and a memo for the source code tab item. Pic Mob Generator : my icons generator from basics layers or images, SVG, paths or rectangles. It export JPEG&PNG images, ICO and ICNS files. For the SVG I used RiverSoftAVG SVG Component Library, but next release will use Skia4Delphi. SM Code Generator : I use it in some multi players games, for EXE Bulk Signing API and client projects. The program generates Delphi code you only have to use in your projects to have a client / server solution to exchange formatted messages over IP. The library uses standard TCP sockets from Embarcadero (with no external dependencies). SVG Folder to Delphi Unit : to import SVG files as Pascal strings in your projects. I use it in some games with Skia4Delphi to show icons or sprites. The program generates a unit (compatible with Delphi 12.X and higher) with SVG found in a folder. Some of these programs are available from GetIt. The others will be submitted before the end of the year. The download links are on their GitHub repositories and will be added to their websites (which should be redirected to GitHub in the meantime). If you need changes in these programs or have suggestions, be free to tell here or as issues on their repositories. I'm also looking for ideas of simple tools to develop during live coding streams to show Delphi or web solutions. They are distributed as shareware programs. Contributions and sponsoring are welcome but not obligatory, and there are no program restrictions in the absence of a valid license. All features are available for free.
  3. bkb

    how to assign 2 paths

    If anyone knows, could you tell me how to assign 2 paths to this directive? I declared this path here at the beginning, but it only receives 1 [setup] DefaultDirName=C:\mygame\TEST [code] function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; begin if (FileExists(ExpandConstant('C:\mygame\TEST\install.exe'))) then begin Result := true; end else if (FileExists(ExpandConstant('D:\mygame\TEST\install.exe'))) then begin Result := true; end else begin Result := false; end end;
  4. I new using TClientDataSet and would like some help. My application fetch heavy stream data from an external web-socket like API (from multiple channels), proccess it asap in worker threads and then show to the user when requested... nowdays I do it manually with lists, arrays and iterate to populate the components (manually). I want to improve and standartize the data in the application memory, the approach I thought is to go with TClientDataSet. The problem is that the application works with a heavy multithread system (which works pretty well, its not the problem), and I know that the TClientDataSet is not thread-safe, and could have alot of problems to deal with, so I would like to ask who already faced this problem before, if I on the right way. My approach: • The worker threads (which will receive the data to proccess) will write in a own TClientDataSet, only the worker thread may write data in its dataset; • Operations (insert/update/delete) in worker thread TClientDataSet wouldn't be synchronized; • Operations and cloning will be protected by a sync object (TCriticalSection like); • The UI that must shown data may clone the worker thread TClientDataSet to have a read-only copy, which can be linked in VCL controls (like TDBGrid) and also iterated, filtered, etc. Anyone that experienced this scenario (or similar) can say if I on the right way to avoid thread synchronization and deadlock problems dealing with TClientDataSet in a multi-thread system?
  5. I want to have list of documents in one form (simple query) and edit form for particular document in other form (extended query). In simplier case - when the same query is used - I have no problems at all, everything is clear. Goal is to have simple / light query for list (let say, common fields - id, name) and more extended version for edit form (almost every field included) potentially with master / detail and CachedUpdates. Editing case itself I can imaging (how to implement), but what about adding? Especially if user cancel adding. I mean how to link both queries as it was the same (actually both queries for the same document) - if editor is closed (and product was created), how to update list (not update, but refresh one row). Thank you in advance!
  6. @rturas

    Disable all controls on panel

    Hello, I want to disable all the controls that are on the specific panel (buttons, edits, etc.) while i read data from server. For that reason i use: TPanel.Enabled := False And reenable it after reading is finished. If i click on any disabled button while panel is disabled, its event is fired after the panel is reanabled. Is it normal behavior, or am i doing something wrong? My code looks like that: procedure TfrmPanel.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin fTCPClient := TIdTCPClient.Create; fTCPClient.Host := IP; fTCPClient.Port := Port; try fTCPClient.Connect; except on E: Exception do //Handle exception end; end; procedure TfrmPanel.btnWriteASCII_ShrtClick(Sender: TObject); var myStr: string; i: Integer; begin pnl3.Enabled := False; myStr := ''; try if fTCPClient.Connected then begin fTCPClient.IOHandler.WriteLn('set OutputType=ASCII_SHORT'); if fTCPClient.IOHandler.InputBufferIsEmpty then begin for i := 0 to 1 do myStr := myStr + fTCPClient.IOHandler.WaitFor(Char($0A), True, False, IndyTextEncoding_ASCII, 5000); end; end; finally begin mmo1.Lines.Add(myStr); pnl3.Enabled := True; end; end; end;
  7. Connie McBride

    firedac, delphi and blobfields

    I have this statement in my code, but it doesn't always post to the dataset. no sql statement is generated - but only sometimes. 1) the reg_value is always changed in this procedure. 2) the procedure is called in hundreds of places. 3) the procedure works in most cases, not in others. 4) I recently updated from delphi 12.1 to delphi 12.2, and it used to work all the time. I am trying to figure out what changed that would cause it to NOT post the record. the code: aStream.Position := 0; tBlobField(dmCommon.tblGridIniREG_VALUE).LoadFromStream(aStream); freeAndNil(aStream); dmCommon.tblGridIni.Post;---> no SQL statement is generated. nothing is seen through the tracers (sql profiler or firedac trace) this same code works in Delphi 12.1, no issue. the structure: all fields are filled in with values. the issue happens when trying to update. adding new records is fine. doing an Can't include sample data, because it seems unprintable characters are part of it I am saving the grid settings from a devexpress grid by writing to a memory stream and loading it to the varchar(max) field. The problem isn't inherently devexpress, the same version of devexpress works in delphi 12.1. tracing deep into the code, it is returning that there is no change to the reg_value field, so it isn't creating the update statement. Any ideas which flag needs to be unset (or set)? cached updates is not in use.
  8. Manuel S.

    Sqlite Delphi 12 linker error

    I have an app that uses SqLite on Android and iOS in encrypted mode. I'm migrating the app from Delphi 10.4 to Delphi 12.2. I get a link error I've never seen before : [DCC Error] E2597 C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidNDK-21-23.0.53982.0329\android-ndk-r21\toolchains\arm-linux-androideabi-4.9\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\arm-linux-androideabi-ld.exe: error: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\23.0\\lib\\Android\\Release/libsqlite_fde.a(sqlite3_fde.o): multiple definition of 'sqlite3_aggregate_context' The file libsqlite_fde.a exists in all delphi directories "lib/android/debug" and "lib/android64/debug". I attach all error strings. If anyone has an idea on how to fix it I would be very happy. Thanks. logs.txt
  9. Manuel S.

    Open media file denied

    HI, I created my media gallery using Delphi 10.4.2 and it works very well. I'm migrating to Delphi 12.2 and the Gallery is having some issues. The gallery reads, and if it does not exist, creates thumbnail files of the images present on the device from the \storage\emulated\0\pictures\.thumbnails\ directory. Using API 34 when I open the file in this directory I get an access denied exception. In manifest I have these permissions: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_MEDIA" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" android:maxSdkVersion="32" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" android:maxSdkVersion="32" /> At runtime I check android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. Now I use Nokia 2.2, Android 11 and Delphi 12.2.
  10. Is it possible to set variable size multi-dimentional arrays dynamically at runtime? Or, do I have to be clever about it in another way? My usual ways to create m-a's are the typical triangle shape, not irregularly shaped. I want to create the irregularly shaped, like the examples listed below. I have been playing around with run-time dynamic arrays via SetLength() and then realized I can't create them dynamically with different size Columns. I have been using for/next and repeat/until loops of various kinds to attempt to do the irregularly shapped arrays but when I come to create a new Row and reset the C to 1, the data is wiped or I get strange behavior, which leads me to realize this route is not possible, and that I have to do something really clever, maybe to simulate multi-dim dynamic arrays. I have a string list that I want to parse as values--text for strings, numbers for integers. The multi-dim array can look something like the following examples below: where s=string, n=number, r=row, c=column So, using ex 1, as I parse my string list, (a single column list), R is set to 1 for row 1, and C is set to 1, and as I parse through the list, I inc(C) for row 1, thus, ( 1 [n, n, n] ) When I create row 2, I inc(R), and is now row 2, thus ( 2 [n, n, n, n, n] ), . . ., and so on, for row 3, . . . etc. ex 1 ==== R | C - - - > ----------------- 1 [n, n, n] 2 [n, n, n, n, n] 3 [n, n] 4 [n, n, n, n] 5 [n] ex 2 ==== R | C - - - > ----------------------------------------- 1 [n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n] 2 [s, s, s] 3 [n, n] 4 [s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s] ex 3 ==== R | C - - - > -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 [s, s] 2 [s] 3 [s, s, s, s, s] 4 [s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s] 5 [s, s, s] 6 [n, n, n, n, n, n, n]
  11. Sennerei

    TppIBOPipeline for Delphi 11.2

    Hello, We are currently using IBO and TppIBOPipeline with Delphi 6 and Reportbuilder 6. At the moment, we are migrating a project with several reports to Delphi 11.2, IBO 5.12.3 and Reportbuilder 22.03. Is the TppIBOPipeline available for this configuration? Thank you for your help. Luis
  12. Hi, I'm using SQLite with Delphi 12.1. I have this table in my SQLite database. CREATE TABLE databases ( database_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, database_name TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, db_file_name TEXT NOT NULL, db_file_path TEXT NOT NULL, db_description TEXT NOT NULL, created_at TEXT NOT NULL, last_update TEXT NULL ) STRICT; When I try to run the following code, the INSERT statement runs fine, but I don't know how to extract the database_id value. Suggestions? Sql := 'INSERT INTO databases ' + '(database_name,' + 'db_file_name,' + 'db_file_path,' + 'db_description,' + 'created_at) ' + 'VALUES (:database_name,' + ':db_file_name,' + ':db_file_path,' + ':db_description,' + ':created_at) ' + 'RETURNING database_id'; SqlQuery.SQL.Text := Sql; SqlQuery.ParamByName('database_name').AsString := ADatabase.Name; SqlQuery.ParamByName('db_file_name').AsString := ADatabase.FileName; SqlQuery.ParamByName('db_file_path').AsString := ADatabase.FilePath; SqlQuery.ParamByName('db_description').AsString := ADatabase.Description; SqlQuery.ParamByName('created_at').AsString := GetCurrentTimeStamp; ExecuteQuery(SqlQuery, false); // my own wrapper function that does logging and executes "SqlQuery.ExecSQL" in this case DatabaseId := SqlQuery.Fields[5].AsInteger; // <-- this fails. how do i get the RETURNING value?
  13. Hi everyone 😊 I'm not a Delphi developer myself, but I'm actually looking for a subcontract Delphi Developer. I'm working with a Swedish client, who are a SaaS company, providing business systems to automotive companies. One of their current projects is working on their existing on-prem system, which is built in Delphi, and adapting it for the Finnish market. The key tasks that you would be working on include: 1. Translating the system from Swedish to Finnish. This would involve finding a way to separate the hard-coded Swedish language elements and creating language files or a mechanism to translate the system in real-time. 2. Modifying the system to integrate with Finnish-specific requirements, such as handling taxes, accounting systems, and other market-specific needs. 3. Translating and potentially redesigning print outputs like invoices and work order flows. The existing Delphi components used for printing are described as "quite hard to work with," so may need to create new templates. 4. Building a migration tool to transfer data from the client's existing system in Finland to their new system. 5. Integration to automotive clients ordering systems, parts catalogues, aftermarket reports etc.. Additionally, knowledge of the Swedish language would be beneficial since parts of the codebase are in Swedish mixed with English. If anyone is interested, please feel free to drop me a message or email on Georgia.benton@evolution-nordics.com for more info 😊
  14. I get this error when I try to run my FMX program on my android phone: Both file exists: Windows -> shlwapi.dll c:\Delphi\Delphi 11\CatalogRepository\AndroidNDK-21-22.0.48361.3236\android-ndk-r21\toolchains\aarch64-linux-android-4.9\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\aarch64-linux-android\bin\ld.exe The NDK folder is 3,508,921kB. _______ It worked yesterday. What I have changed since then, was to install a USB driver from my phone's manufacturer (OnePlus Nord): OnePlus_USB_Drivers_Setup.exe It installed this file: c:\Android\adb.exe and more in Program Files. Uninstalling the program will not delete the c:\Android\ folder.
  15. Can I connect to MSSQL Server with FireDAC on android application? When I try it there is a problem Is there any eay for direct connection from my android application to MSSQL Server
  16. Hello! I am writing a log viewer using Delphi VCL and AlmediaDev's StyleControls, and my approach to show a styled list of log entries was to add a TScrollBox (TscScrollBox actually, using AlmediaDev StyleControls, which extends the original), and dynamically fill it with frames (one frame per log entry) as the following image shows: The Frame itself looks like this: And has this component tree: The frames have variable width according to the window width, but the height is always fixed. This approach works for smaller log files (The above screenshot was taken with 217 records) but fails with "Out of System Resources" and "Canvas Does Not Allow Drawing" with bigger files (my failed test file had 3000 entries). Although I understand why is this happening (or atleast I believe it's because the windows won't let me draw 3.000 controls) I don't know what approach I could take to either improve the rendering to reduce resource usage or change the way it renders frames without affecting the scroll list size (otherwise I could just "remove" the frames out of sight and insert the ones that are on sight) and entry UI style (As I believe I would have to if changed for a TVirtualListView as suggested in topic/3661-how-to-detect-when-control-is-scrolled-into-view/). Can anyone give me any direction on what should I do here? Right now it's really more a matter of "WHAT should I do" than "HOW do I do that". For quick reference, I'm also adding the code for the TEntryListItemTemplate and the code that creates and feed it into the scrollbox. It's also fully available here. TEntryListItemTemplate type TEntryListItemTemplate = class(TFrame) svgLogIcon: TSkSvg; labelDateTime: TscGPLabel; scGPPanel1: TscGPPanel; labelDescription: TscGPLabel; scGPPanel2: TscGPPanel; scGPPanel3: TscGPPanel; scGPGlyphContainerButton2: TscGPGlyphContainerButton; svgEyeIcon: TSkSvg; private { Private declarations } FAssociatedRecord: TLogEntry; FAssociatedControlIndex: Integer; // TODO: When one is removed all indexes must above must change (needs a routine) procedure SetupWarningIcon(); procedure SetupErrorIcon(); procedure SetupInfoIcon(); public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; ARecord: TLogEntry; AControlIndexInList: Integer); reintroduce; end; const { The Following Icons are part of Google's Material Core Icon Pack } ERROR_ICON = ''' ... '''; INFO_ICON = ''' ... '''; WARNING_ICON = ''' ... '''; implementation {$R *.dfm} { TEntryListItemTemplate } constructor TEntryListItemTemplate.Create(AOwner: TComponent; ARecord: TLogEntry; AControlIndexInList: Integer); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FAssociatedRecord := ARecord; FAssociatedControlIndex := AControlIndexInList; case FAssociatedRecord.Severity of lsUNKNOWN: SetupInfoIcon(); lsUNIMPORTANT: SetupInfoIcon(); lsREQUESTRECEIVED: SetupInfoIcon(); lsINFORMATION: SetupInfoIcon(); lsWARNING: SetupWarningIcon(); lsERROR: SetupErrorIcon(); end; labelDescription.Caption := Copy(FAssociatedRecord.Message, 0, 150); labelDateTime.Caption := DateTimeToStr(FAssociatedRecord.Date); end; procedure TEntryListItemTemplate.SetupErrorIcon; begin svgLogIcon.Svg.OverrideColor := $FFFF2D2D; svgLogIcon.Svg.Source := ERROR_ICON; end; procedure TEntryListItemTemplate.SetupInfoIcon; begin svgLogIcon.Svg.OverrideColor := $FF2D4DFF; svgLogIcon.Svg.Source := INFO_ICON; end; procedure TEntryListItemTemplate.SetupWarningIcon; begin svgLogIcon.Svg.OverrideColor := $FFFFAB2D; svgLogIcon.Svg.Source := WARNING_ICON; end; Creation and Insertion in TscScrollBox: procedure TfrmMain.Open1Click(Sender: TObject); var OpenedFile: TLogFile; begin OpenedFile := ActionUtils.OpenFile; if OpenedFile <> nil then begin gStateHolder.CurrentFile := OpenedFile; gStateHolder.HasOpenFile := True; var Progress: Extended := 0; var Increment: Extended := 100/Length(gStateHolder.CurrentFile.FLogEntries); ProgressBarInc(0); { I decided to make invisible while I add the entries so the it doesn't have to draw every single entry on each insert. By setting it to Visible := False before the loop and True after the loop I got it to render all at once, which **Improved significantly the Load time for 217 records**. Still fails for 3.000 } contentScrollBox.Visible := False; for var I := Length(gStateHolder.CurrentFile.FLogEntries) - 1 downto 0 do begin var rec := gStateHolder.CurrentFile.FLogEntries[I]; var frame := TEntryListItemTemplate.Create(contentScrollBox, rec, contentScrollBox.ControlCount); frame.Name := TypeUtils.GenerateFrameName(); contentScrollBox.InsertControl(frame); Progress := Progress + Increment; ProgressBarInc(Round(Progress)); end; contentScrollBox.Visible := True; // System out of Resources. How to deal with? end; end; Thank you for your time!
  17. I have to develop an Offline version of the Help Manual for the Delphi application that can display specific help topic pages of the Offline Help. Previously we used CHM to make an offline version which is very old technology. Mainly looking for the following advantages: Context-Sensitive Help Topic Table of Contents Search Index Add Favorites My priority is to have a single file output, like CHM, so it can be used offline without needing any external library links, and be easy for users to read. So far, I think PDF format is the only alternative to CHM that might offer similar features. Are there any open-source alternatives available that are suitable for this?
  18. Hello, Masters. I appreciate your help in advance. All of my production apps have stopped receiving notifications on iOS. They only start working again when the user uninstalls and reinstalls the app, which generates a new token that works correctly, both in Firebase Messaging tests and in notifications sent from my server. It seems that the previously generated tokens are no longer valid. Is there a way to force the app to generate a new token without requiring it to be uninstalled? Additionally, what is the best approach to handle users who already have the app installed in production, considering there are several hundred of them?
  19. I want to create or calculate a unique 8-digit ID (checksum/hash/etc) for variable-sized texts. I am not sure the ID has to be a certain limited length depending on the length of the actual text, but I would like the ID to be as small as possible. I definitely don't want a GUID. EXAMPLE: Name comment ------ -------------------- car neon. sumvac is not my favorite any more but i do like the cooler autom car neon. RESULT: ID Name comment -------- ------ ------------ AT1UW72Z car neon. 0B1UR7PY sumvac is not my favorite any more but i do like the cooler autom AT1UW72Z car neon. I want to add RESULT to a database table. Duplicates are okay since I can use a query to remove them from a query/report run. Or, I can remove them completely (at a later time) and just have unique table entries. But in general, duplicate entries are acceptable. Is there anything already included in Delphi that supports this? I will be working in XE7 and/or 12.2 IDE's. Thanks in advanced.
  20. I've been experimenting with an integrated playground IDE plugin for the Sempare Template Engine ( https://github.com/sempare/sempare-delphi-template-engine or via GetIt). The template engine is available under Apache 2.0 and has been around for years, and has backward capability back to XE4. The playground plugin is similar to the standalone playground demo app that exists in the project. Anyways, I decided it was time to have a richer IDE experience. My initial development currently it supports: - highlighting (script tags, comments, numbers, strings) - toggling whitespace visibility - IDE Options Dialog allows you to customise options (overriding defaults which are IDE theme aware) - Supports prototyping templates against mock data (in json files) - Supports script tags <% %> or {{ }} - Real-time validation of templates and evaluation/preview - Preview as raw text or in a browser As I changed the license of the template engine to be Apache from GPL, this will be available initially to supporters of the project. More to follow... Any other ideas/improvement suggestions welcome. Here are some screenshots:
  21. This is so frustrating, every time I reinstall Delphi, I have to do something in order to get the Android functions to work for deployment. I have those familiar 3 triangles, and I just can't remember what I did the last time to resolve it, and I can't find it here where I i know I posted it. Does anyone know what I need to do to clear those yellow triangles in SDK Manager?
  22. I have a problem with my DataSnap client application on Android 11 OS. Not every time but from time to time and on different places in my code. Sometimes I recive this message When i click Break debuger points on this line in code What can be a problem
  23. kvik021

    SSL error

    After upgrade to Delphi 12, my multidevice app have trouble connecting to DSRestServer app Regarding server side ... I can execute TEST CONNECTION in DSRestConnection, I can CREATE CLIENT CLASSES UNIT in designer, but when I start app, it cannot connect Server app has not been changed. IOS version - everything works fine. Certificate checked - not expired. I use DigiCert one Old version of the app which is on GooglePLay works fine also. But when I run newly Android build-ed Version I get exception Project ccclient.apk raised exception class EJNIException with message 'javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Read error: ssl=0xb400007b9e3f3cc8: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error error:100000f0:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL (external/boringssl/src/ssl/handshake_client.cc:713 0x7c35c4f803:0x00000000)'. First chance exception at $BE81BED3. Exception class ENetHTTPCertificateException with message 'javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Read error: ssl=0xeadc39c8: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error error:100000f0:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL (external/boringssl/src/ssl/handshake_client.cc:713 0xd07d1357:0x00000000)'. Process ccclient.apk (30412) I use Samsung a71 as target with OneUI version 5.1 and android 13. All SSL protocols checkboxes in DSRestConnection are checked. I try to check one by one I got same error on all protocols. I saw some post with howto put OpenSSL libs in app but idk how (and I cant find him again). Any help will be appreciated...
  24. Greetings to All!. I've built (TSignInWithGoogle) a basic component to integrate Google Sign-in into your Android app using Credential Manager, adhering to Google's most recent guidelines. I'll leave it here for anyone who might find it useful!. Here the link: https://github.com/MEStackCodes/SignInWithGoogleDelphi
  25. Hi, does anyone ever tried to install Android APK in Fusion Hybrid Tablets? https://www.touchdynamic.com/products/mobile-pos-tablets/fusion-tablet-solution/ This is their manual & specs: https://www.touchdynamic.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/TD_FusionHybrid_SpecSheet5.pdf I'm not sure if it's something with their processor architecture (Intel® Elkhart Lake Celeron® J6412 up to 2.6 Ghz System), as I'm unable to install any APK built and deployed in Delphi, neither MSBuild, anything.... I just get a message from the OS stating "App not installed as app isn't compatible with your tablet ". I've also tried to change dproj to support other architectures but without results. <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Base)'=='Android'"> ... <AndroidSupportedAbis>x86;x86_64;armeabi-v7a;arm64-v8a</AndroidSupportedAbis> ... </PropertyGroup> Other thing I did is changing where lib is deployed but likewise, no results. Not a clue what's going on.