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TListView - manually adding items faster at runtime

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Specs:  Delphi XE7, VCL, windows 7, Dell laptop (i3 core, 2.40GHz) 


I have been playing around with the Listview control, (via ViewStyle=vsReport) learning how to add items at runtime through code (not using a database/binder), for 100 to a few thousand items.  Again, just playing around with throwing together a quick listview of data, and seeing if there is use for it versus going the database dataset route. 


Note, because I was self-learning about listview from scratch, I did have a lot of trouble figuring out how to populate the listview.  And now that I know how to, I am also sharing it here for reference for others struggling to do the same.  Below, is the code snippet of how I created the initial fields and then populate them.  The ViewStyle should be set to vsReport in the properties section in order to show a table column layout at run time.  It works and that's all that matters at this point in this indeviour. 


procedure TForm1.btnAddClick(Sender: TObject);
  itm : TListItem;
  Col : TListColumn;
  s   : string;
  et  : int64;
  SW  : TStopwatch;
  Col := lv1.Columns.Add;
  Col.Caption := 'LN';
  Col.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
  Col.Width := 30;

  Col := lv1.Columns.Add;
  Col.Caption := 'ItemNo';
  Col.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
  Col.Width := 60;

  Col := lv1.Columns.Add;
  Col.Caption := 'Desc';
  Col.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
  Col.Width := 160;

  setlength(ary,10);                           // create the array length (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) chars
  SW := TSTopWatch.StartNew;                   // start timing it
  for i := 0 to 25000 do begin                 //
    ary := genRandValues;                      // generate random numbers ie (2,9,8,4,7,5,6,0,1,3)
    s:=listtostr(ary);                         // convert array list into a string var ie ('2984756013')
    itm:=lv1.Items.Add;                        // create a row
    itm.Caption := i.ToString();               // add the major field, ie 'LN', thus the populate with variable i as line numbers
    itm.SubItems.Add(''); itm.SubItems[0]:= s; // itemno ie '2984756013', and so on. 
    itm.SubItems.Add(''); itm.SubItems[1]:= s; //   desc ie same, ...
  SW.Stop;                                     // finish timing
	eb1.text:=(intToStr(SW.ElapsedTicks)+' ticks / '+intToStr(SW.ElapsedMilliseconds)+' ms');

But the problem I am having is that even when using the .BeginUpdate/.EndUpdate the speed is still a bit slow. 


For example, to fill a listview with 10,000 elements, it costs me about aprox 1.6 seconds run time, or for 25,000 elements, 7.6 seconds. 


I had a look at the earlier part of the for/loop, where I am generating the random numbers and then converting them to strings.  I REM'ed them out and the time was still the same or ever-so-slightly less, maybe 1.5 seconds for instance.  So that does not seem to be a major issue in slowing the listview down. 


Is this the maximum throughput I can expect from listview? or Is there anything else I can do to speed this up a lot more? 



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As well a lot of controls with lists have a BeginUpdate and EndUpdate so you can stop visually updating the control for every change to an item. Wrap things in an Try/Finally to make sure EndUpdate is always called.

  // add multiple items

From the help for Vcl.ComCtrls.TListItems.BeginUpdate :


Prevents updating of the list view until the EndUpdate method is called.

Call BeginUpdate before making multiple changes to the list of items. When all changes are complete, call EndUpdate so that the changes can be reflected on screen. BeginUpdate and EndUpdate prevent excessive redraws and speed processing time when new items are added, deleted, or inserted.

Edited by Brian Evans

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For a non-trivial number of items, it is best to use the TListView in virtual mode. Set the OwnerData property to true, assign an OnData event handler, and then set the TListView.Items.Count property instead of using the TListView.Items.Add() method, eg:

  TItemData = record
    LN: Integer;
    ItemNo: string;
    Desc: string;
  lvItems: array of TItemData;

procedure TForm1.btnAddClick(Sender: TObject);
  Col : TListColumn;
  SW  : TStopwatch;
  s   : string;
  i   : Integer;
  Col := lv1.Columns.Add;
  Col.Caption := 'LN';
  Col.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
  Col.Width := 30;

  Col := lv1.Columns.Add;
  Col.Caption := 'ItemNo';
  Col.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
  Col.Width := 60;

  Col := lv1.Columns.Add;
  Col.Caption := 'Desc';
  Col.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
  Col.Width := 160;

  SetLength(lvItems, 25000);
  SetLength(ary,10);                           // create the array length (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) chars
  SW := TStopWatch.StartNew;                   // start timing it
  for i := Low(lvItems) to High(lvItems) do begin
    ary := genRandValues;                      // generate random numbers ie (2,9,8,4,7,5,6,0,1,3)
    s := ListToStr(ary);                       // convert array list into a string var ie ('2984756013')
    lvItems[i].LN := i;
    lvItems[i].ItemNo := s;
    lvItems[i].Desc := s;
  lv1.Items.Count := Length(lvItems);
  SW.Stop;                                     // finish timing
  eb1.Text := IntToStr(SW.ElapsedTicks) + ' ticks / ' + IntToStr(SW.ElapsedMilliseconds) + ' ms';

procedure TForm1.lv1Data(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);
  Item.Caption := lvItems[Item.Index].LN.ToString();  // add the major field, ie 'LN', thus the populate with the index as line numbers
  Item.SubItems.Add(lvItems[Item.Index].ItemNo);      // itemno ie '2984756013', and so on.
  Item.SubItems.Add(lvItems[Item.Index].Desc);        // desc ie same, ...


Edited by Remy Lebeau
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6 hours ago, Brian Evans said:

As well a lot of controls with lists have a BeginUpdate and EndUpdate so you can stop visually updating the control for every change to an item. Wrap things in an Try/Finally to make sure EndUpdate is always called.

  // add multiple items

From the help for Vcl.ComCtrls.TListItems.BeginUpdate :


Prevents updating of the list view until the EndUpdate method is called.

Call BeginUpdate before making multiple changes to the list of items. When all changes are complete, call EndUpdate so that the changes can be reflected on screen. BeginUpdate and EndUpdate prevent excessive redraws and speed processing time when new items are added, deleted, or inserted.

As stated in the OP this is already being used. Virtual mode is the only answer. 

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Update on this endeavour. . .  a solution has been found and is working, thanks to Alexander S. and Remy for their help. 


After some time, I managed to get the suggested virtual method posted by Remy working successfully, thank you.  But my listview is showing some artifacts in the drawing of the rows.  I will have to research that later.  I will study this method further in order to understand how it works.   Oh, and the run time on my old Dell laptop is now 38ms for the 25k, and 72ms for 100k.  A huge difference! 


Thank you @Alexander Sviridenkov, for first suggesting it to me.  I did do some research into it right after your post and was trying but failing to figure out how to put it all together.   And also to @Remy Lebeau, for the posted code snippet that showed me the way.  Much appreciated!!


Edited by JohnLM
updated opening reply.

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If it's a TreeView or a ListView, make sure you don't have an OnChange handler wired up -- or if you do, you want to put a flag in it that says:


if ignore_this then Exit;


And have a var at the top of the implementation section


var ignore_this : Boolean;


Set it to true before you start your loading up, and false when you finish.


Or you could un-hook the OnChange event before you start and replace it when you're finished.

Edited by David Schwartz

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8 minutes ago, David Schwartz said:

If it's a TreeView or a ListView, make sure you don't have an OnChange handler wired up -- or if you do, you want to put a flag in it that says:


if ignore_this then Exit;


And have a var at the top of the implementation section


var ignore_this : Boolean;


Set it to true before you start your loading up, and false when you finish.


Or you could un-hook the OnChange event before you start and replace it when you're finished.

yeah, global variables in your GUI, great idea!

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Am I right in understanding that we can't switch to such a virtual mode with the standard TTreeView? Is this why Virtual TreeView exists?

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3 hours ago, zed said:

Am I right in understanding that we can't switch to such a virtual mode with the standard TTreeView? Is this why Virtual TreeView exists?

That is correct. 

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5 hours ago, JohnLM said:

But my listview is showing some artifacts in the drawing of the rows. 

Are you custom drawing the TListView? Virtual mode affects only data storage, so it should not cause drawing issues if you are otherwise using default settings. 

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Remy - no, I am not.   


I believe it has to do with Rowselect set to True. 


1) When I move the mouse around to select a row, the last selected row leaves residual "vertical" outlines of the edges.  And, if I just move the mouse cursor across them all (without clicking anywhere on the Listview it will remove the artifacts. 


2) When it is set to False, there is no artifacts.  Only one cell is highlighted and clean.  But I prefer the whole row to show as highlighted when scrolling up/down or clicking into it. 


So far, I've tried removing the Listview and adding a new one with default criteria and only changing the ownerDraw to True. But no difference.  Still shows artifacts. 


And the Checkboxes no longer show.  I'm investigating that as well. 

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Update on the issue with the Listview artifacts. . .


This has been resolved by setting Doublebufferd to true.


And now for the checkboxes.

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Remy, I am not sure that this issue is in other OS's.  My main development system is still Windows 7 and Delphi XE7, though I do have a Win10 laptop with D11.2 and a Win10 tablet with D12.2 but I have never developed projects utilizing the Listview for those OS's/Devices to date.  But Win7/XE7 is what I use daily.  I very rarely use Windows 10, and never have Win11.  I don't even have any devices with Win11.  Anyway.  All apps I create are under Win7.  Maybe the issue does not exist in Win10/11? and/or with D11/12+? 


I should probably test and see because now I am curious.

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12 minutes ago, JohnLM said:

I should probably test and see because now I am curious.

I am confirming that the issue is also reproducible under Windows 10.  I copied the XE7 compiled app over to a usb flash drive and inserted in my Win10 tablet and ran three versions: debugged/released gave issue while the app with dubblebuffered=true gave no issues.  Again, the app was developed under Win7/XE7.


Next, I will bring the whole project source code over to the Win10/D12.2 tablet and recompile to see if the issue is still present. 


Edited by JohnLM

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After loading the project into Delphi 12.2, the issue is still present.  And setting Doublebuffered=true resolves it.   


Note, these are win32 bit app. 




Edited by JohnLM

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