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  1. Changes to support Delphi 10.3 Rio are now in the official repository ( https://github.com/andrea-magni/MARS ). More changes will follow in the near future 🙂 Enjoy, Andrea
  2. CreateWindowHandle/CreateWnd are VCL Wincontrol routines that can be overwritten to take action that needs to happen when the WindowHandle of a control gets (re)created. There are corresponding routines DestroyWindowHandle/DestroyWnd, but these routines are only called when the control is recreated and not when it is destroyed. It appears that this is known, see for example here and here. I came across this issue because I wanted to do the following when a contol's handle was created: RegisterDragDrop (Handle, DropTarget); and this has to be matched by: RevokeDragDrop(Handle); at handle destruction. Initially I placed the first statement in an overwritten CreateWindowHandle and the second in DestroyWindowHandle. This resulted in memory leaks and I began to investigate. Here are the results of the investigation that I wanted to share with you in case you face the same issue. 1. DestroyWnd is only called when recreating the control (not at control destruction). It also calls DestroyWindowHandle. This is documented in the help file. 2, DestroyWindowHandle is called by DestroyWnd and separately by TWinControl.Destroy if WindowHandle <>0. So it looks like my solution should work, however, when the control is a child of a TCustomForm and the form gets destroyed (almost always the case), TCustomForm.Destroy calls DestroyWindowHandle before destroying child objects and Windows, before destroying a control's handle, it first destroys the window handles of all child objects. So the DestroyWindowHandle of the child controls will not be called! WindowHandle = 0 inside TWinControl.Destroy. The choices you have for taking action before handle destruction are: 3. WM_DESTROY handler. It is called by windows before destroying the window handle of child controls. 4 WM_NCDESTROY handler. It is called by windows after destroying the window handle of child controls and before destroying the control's window handle. I ended up putting RevokeDragDrop inside the WM_DESTROY handler, since this is called in all cases the window handle gets destroyed. Although not a bug, this looks like bad VCL design to me and can be the source of many bugs.
  3. David Heffernan

    Block windows access

    Whatever the problem is, trying to hijack keypresses handled by the system is not the solution
  4. Uwe Raabe

    Block windows access

    Are you looking for Kiosk mode? Configure kiosks and digital signs on Windows desktop editions
  5. A plain <Enter> should do as well.
  6. I do this all the time in AlignMix, our mapping package. Here's our super-fast algorithm: 1. Have a sorted list along one dimension (I normally do longitude) 2. Do a binary search to find the point with the closest longitude (let's call this P:0 ) and record the distance between this point and the search point 3. Start a loop: look at the next sequential point from P:0 in the sorted list; record the distance and update if smaller than previous; exit the loop if the difference in the longitude is now greater than the shortest distance found, otherwise move on to next point 4. Start a loop: look at the previous sequential point from P:0 in the sorted list: record the distance and update if smaller than previous; exit the loop if the difference in the longitude is now greater than the shortest distance found, otherwise move on to next point In practice I combine steps 3 & 4 so it alternates searching for the next above and the next below P:0. Hope that helps. In my tests this is extremely fast and scales the same as a binary search (log(n)) Steve
  7. David Heffernan

    Shellexecute cmd.exe with spaces

    Pointless to ask ShellExecute to create a cmd process to in turn create another process. Create the other process directly. This is the source of all your problems.