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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/19 in Posts

  1. I moved from JEDI VCS (don't laugh) to Git about a year ago and I don't regret it one bit. Git provides me with functionality that's invaluable especially if used with Git Flow. I use SourceTree as recommended above for most of the work (dark theming coming soon to Windows) but it cannot do all the full Git Flow so I've created some Custom Actions for the missing bits or just drop to the command line. If you want to learn more there is a PDF called Git Pro (https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2) which is definitely worth a read.
  2. Ugochukwu Mmaduekwe

    Running UnitTests for Mobile Devices

    @John Kouraklis Finally got it to work, below are the steps. 1. Download Angry Port Scanner from Google PlayStore (Do not open) 2. connect your PC and Android to the same WiFi network 3. Open Angry Port Scanner, it will auto select the IP range to scan, in the Ports edit box enter the value 8000-9000 and click the scan icon 4. after the scan is done, it will show you the Open IP and Port, this is the IP and Port we will put in our FMX app. 5. Create a simple GUI FMX app with a button and the tests you want to execute. 6. in the uses clause add (TestInsight.DUnit) , in the OnClick event of the button, add the code below TestInsight.DUnit.RunRegisteredTests('http://IP:PORT'); where IP and PORT are the values we got previously. 7. Compile and deploy the FMX app to your android device, run and click the button 8. go back to your Delphi IDE and open the TestInsight Plugin, you can now see the progress of your Tests. Thanks to everyone who pointed to the right directions that helped me solve this problem.
  3. ConstantGardener

    Running UnitTests for Mobile Devices

    ...and thanks to Stefan for TestInsight!
  4. It is impossible to decide for 100%. But possible to guess taking into account ThousandSeparator and DecimalSeparator. It will work in 95.38% of the cases. All other - up to the user.
  5. I would only accept numbers in a well defined format known to me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_separator#Digit_grouping gives me the creeps. 😱 tl;dr: digit grouping (thousand separators) may also occur to the right side of the decimal separator. BTW: I've seen something like this 1'000'000 quite often.
  6. function GuessDecimalSeparator(const Value: string): Char; { Assumes that the decimal separator is the last one and does not appeat more than once. Only dot and comma are treated as possible decimal separator. } const cSeparators: array[Boolean] of Char = ('.', ','); // possible decimal separators var idx: Integer; begin Result := cSeparators[False]; // default if none of the separators is found - alternative "True" idx := Value.LastIndexOfAny(cSeparators); if (idx >= 0) then begin Result := Value.Chars[idx]; if Value.CountChar(Result) > 1 then begin { if it appears more than once we use the other one } Result := cSeparators[Result = cSeparators[False]]; end; end end;
  7. Dalija Prasnikar

    Rio quality disappoint

    1. Because they have full control and can do with it what suits their needs the best 2. Dogfooding 3. They also have IDE for Mac - Fire (and that was first one they wrote - AFAIK when they started that project there was no VS for Mac) - Water is just Windows variant to prove cross-platform viability of their approach 4. Here we were talking about VSCode that fits nicely for some things (not VS), but still is resource hungry Electron app. I don't know about Water, but Fire is native Mac application - which means fast. 5. When it comes to VS itself and VS being so nice... I don't know. Last time I used it it was dog slow comparing to Delphi IDE (around XE time). 6. Having plugins for various IDEs can be nice and certainly is good place to start when you are just starting - but nothing beats fully dedicated IDE under your control.
  8. Kryvich

    Rio quality disappoint

    If VS is so great, then why RemObjects create Water - their own IDE for Windows?
  9. if you have the source just point to the source path in the project and the project will be compiled with the NEW source. Project>option>search path> to source
  10. Alexander Elagin

    Rio quality disappoint

    Finally the Quality Central issues statuses begin to update. And what do you think? RSP-21645 (Editor tabs do not show icons) - closed. Resolution: Works As Expected 🙁 . Really, that is how they at Embarcadero see it. RSP-21636 (Active editor tab is not highlighted when IDE theming is disabled) - closed. Resolution: Won't Fix. Given this stupid attitude (and obvious intentions to further force the themed IDE despite all its glitches) I highly doubt that I'll renew my subscription when it expires this March. I thank David Millington for personally contacting me but I do not want to further waste my hard earned money for another round of cosmetic IDE changes instead of bug fixing.