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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/19 in all areas

  1. I think I asked that before: Is there a keyboard shortcut for activating the code editor? If I remember correctly the answers were: No, but you can use F12 to toggle between form designer and code editor, and F11 for a three way toggle between object inspector, form designer and code editor. Do I remember correctly? If yes, I have some good news for those who have missed this functionality (which definitely includes myself): I have just added a simple expert to GExperts that does nothing else but activate and focus the code editor. But that raises a question: What should the default keyboard shortcut be for this expert? So I resurrected Nicholas Ring's Delphi Shortcut Finder, in order to find out what is still available. But unfortunately this tool, useful as it is, basically is only a list of known shortcuts with a filter function, so it might miss shortcuts from possibly widely used tools which I simply don't know. I first thought about some F11 combination but it turned out that they are already taken, the same goes for F12. Then there is Shift+F3, but I think this is used for "Find Previous" in some tools. The obvious combinations with the E and C key are also already taken. Shift+F6 seemed to be free for now. (F6 calls IDE Insight and Ctrl+F6 switches between C++ source and header files.), so I assigned it as the default for the new expert. Or Is there a widely used plugin that uses Shift+F6?
  2. Uwe Raabe

    Where can I download v13.2 from?

    In the MMX download page click on Previous Versions.
  3. David Heffernan

    Why control methods (OnClick) can't be defined in Form Private section?

    No. What was meant was that the IDE could in principle use new style RTTI to locate private declarations. But it doesn't. It still relies on old style RTTI. I see no reason to expect this to change.
  4. PeterBelow

    Why control methods (OnClick) can't be defined in Form Private section?

    The form streaming process relies on run-time type information (the old styele), and that is only generated for published members of a class.
  5. Emrah

    How to know that a file is not used by another program?

    function IsFileInUse(FileName: TFileName): Boolean;var HFileRes: HFILE;begin Result := False; if not FileExists(FileName) then Exit; HFileRes := CreateFile(PChar(FileName), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); Result := (HFileRes = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if not Result then CloseHandle(HFileRes);end;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin if IsFileInUse('c:\Programs\delphi6\bin\delphi32.exe') then ShowMessage('File is in use.'); else ShowMessage('File not in use.');end;