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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/19 in all areas

  1. Angus Robertson

    Best components for creating windows service apps

    I've completed a new release of DDService Application Framework from the late Arno Garrels, it now supports Delphi 5, 7 and 2006 to XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo and 10.3 Rio, as well as C++ Builder 2006 to XE5. Note that bugs fixed in these new releases had already been done in DDService. Also added new unit to control, install and remove Windows Service applications. The new and old versions may be downloaded from https://www.magsys.co.uk/delphi/ddservice.asp or from an SVN repository at: http://svn.magsys.co.uk:8443/svn/ddservice/ , use username = ics and password = ics for read access. Angus
  2. Dalija Prasnikar

    Unit testing cross platform code

    Retrieving the results, memory management, zero based strings...
  3. Arnaud Bouchez

    Unit testing cross platform code

    We use our Open Source https://github.com/synopse/mORMot/blob/master/SynTests.pas unit. It is cross-platform and cross-compiler (FPC and Delphi). But it is mostly about server-side process and Win32/Win64 for Delphi. It is cross-platform (Win, BSD, Linux, i386/x86-64/arm32/aarch64) for FPC.
  4. Remy Lebeau


    The List Separator is expected to be 1 character, but is documented to allow up to 3 characters: Doubtful, but the API is probably intended to handle MBCS characters, which I would expect the API to convert into proper UTF-16 characters when queried (and hopefully they fall into the U+0000..U+FFFF range so they fit into a single Char in Delphi 2009+).
  5. haentschman

    Quick debug variables?

    Hi... In Delphi is debugging easier... You set breakpoints in the editor. The debugger holds at this line. The debugger shows variables or a complete object in a hint. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqs27gB7Zms
  6. Stefan Glienke

    Modern C++ and Delphi

    FWIW in Delphi that fear is often caused by the fact that new features often don't work for years and are poorly designed so they affect some important aspects negatively such as compile speed or runtime performance which often you encounter way later when you already extensively use them (latest example: inline variables). Many other languages have a plethora of incredibly smart people designing things for years with enough time to thoroughly test and ensure they are zero or minimal overhead.
  7. Is there an IDE addin to automatically change for example this: var I: Integer; into this: var I: System.Integer;