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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/20 in Posts

  1. David Heffernan

    TEmbeddedWB in a 64 Bit application

    Isn't this just the age old issue that Delphi's RTL unmasks floating point hardware exceptions, but most other tools (including the MS tools) mask them. So the ActiveX control that implements the embedded browser expects floating point hardware exceptions to be masked and is caught out by your host having unmasked them. Resolve the problem in the traditional way by masking floating point hardware exceptions. There are countless SO posts on this subject which will show you how to do this.
  2. Angus Robertson

    Google Chrome is blocking the download of my application — HELP!!!

    As well as protecting the files from Google, it is good to see who is interested in my various components, mostly old since many are now incorporated into ICS. Always nice for open source authors to know people are interested in our components, usually people only email when something does not work, far fewer thank us for our work. People say Delphi is dying, but the number of people looking for (free) components suggests otherwise. Angus
  3. David Heffernan

    TEmbeddedWB in a 64 Bit application

    Do this for both 32 and 64 bit. Just because you might get away with it in 32 bit for now, doesn't mean you always will. And if your app doesn't need floating point exceptions unmasked then mask them. Have consistency between 32 and 64 bit.
  4. Remy Lebeau

    Variant to generic T, how?

    And this is why I HATE Generics! They cause more headaches than they solve.
  5. Tntman

    Problem with Linking Android application

    I did not research your question first time that I answered because i was in hurry ... do you use some TMS components in your android app that you want to compile ? "lTMSCPLib" looks like this : https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=11317&PID=41276&SID=c2699eaf-4f3b-c13z6efd-33b97ef9-a522f6z5&title=android-compile-error#41276
  6. Angus Robertson

    Google Chrome is blocking the download of my application — HELP!!!

    18 months ago Google decided a zip on my web site contained a nasty and placed the page on it's blacklist used by other browsers as well to stop the page being displayed, not quite the same blocking as you, but probably the same false detection. That page had about 30 zips, OpenSSL binaries, lots of Delphi source and a couple of EXE samples, Google never told me which file. The answer is to stop Google scanning your files so they can not find false nasties. robots.txt might work, but they can ignore that, my solution was to move all the files onto a password protected web page that Google can not access, and that has worked. It's a pain for users to request the password, but over 1,000 Delphi developers have done so already, hopefully not including anyone from Google. Angus
  7. I'm just guessing: It could be a problem that the file isn't downloaded from your domain but from storage.googleapis.com. At the end whenever another identified malware was downloaded via storage.googleapis.com your downloads are flagged as well as potential malware - you just don't have this under control as anybody can use this domain for downloads. I would try moving the downloads to your own domain.
  8. I successfully downloaded it just now, and I did not get a warning. I have to say that I became very skeptical when I saw Softpedia mentioned, as they have a long history with bundling files with other installers like "helpers" for browsers. I did not run the installer.
  9. Bernard

    looking for a lo-fi Delphi Style

    I used an open source program called Pencil https://pencil.evolus.vn/ in the past. It is great for throwing up mock screens and has a sketchy GUI. I hope this helps.
  10. Larry Hengen

    FireDAC Change Notifications

    I was looking at the MS SQL sample project demonstrating FireDAC support for change notifications. Has anyone used this to refresh data-aware lookup combo boxes? What is the real world database overhead? How does it compare to polling? The sample project works fine, but I've noticed that if you launch multiple instances with a unique subscription name, only one gets notified of a change made in SSMS. Any idea why? I was hoping to use the sample app as a POC to help determine SQL Server overhead, and prove that all connected applications will receive change notifications. I am using Berlin 10.2 and the only bug reports seem to be for Rio.
  11. They're ugly, but they are true. In your case however you should need only use dictionaryWithObject (since there is only one value), thus: var LDict: NSDictionary; LBooleanValue: Pointer; begin LBooleanValue := TNSNumber.OCClass.numberWithBool(True); LDict := TNSDictionary.Wrap(TNSDictionary.OCClass.dictionaryWithObject(LBooleanValue, NSObjectToID(CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey))); end;
  12. I present a simple technique that uses a combination of generics and static class variables to map any Delphi type to a simple integer index. And why you would want to... https://blog.grijjy.com/2020/04/21/mapping-delphi-types-to-indices-at-compile-time/