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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/20 in Posts

  1. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Compiler capability defines and more

    Include files for checking compiler versions and capabilities. Useful for developers of libs/components that have to support multiple compilers. https://github.com/Fr0sT-Brutal/Delphi_Compilers Additionally, there are files for checking current compiler settings, some cross-compiler and cross-platform defines and cross-compiler declarations.
  2. In the attachment you can find a high-level interface-based encapsulation of the Direct2D SVG functionality. It allows you to parse SVG files and draw them to a GDI/GDI+ DC. Requires Windows 10 with Creators Update or later. Main form code to display SVG files: { TForm1 } procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin fSVG := GetD2DSVGHandler.NewSvg; fSVG.LoadFromFile('..\..\browser.svg'); //fSVG.FixedColor := TAlphaColorRec.Red; //fSVG.Opacity := 0.5; fSVG.GrayScale := True; end; procedure TForm1.Paint; begin inherited; fSvg.PaintTo(Canvas.Handle, TRectF.Create(ClientRect), True); end; procedure TForm1.Resize; begin inherited; Invalidate; end; Features: Scale to any size Keep aspect ratio (optionally) Control opacity Recolor to any color Draw in gray scale Samples: The above in grayscale: Svg.zip
  3. https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmswebcorevsc.asp Happy to announce the public beta of TMS Web Core for Visual Studio Code, you can install it directly from Visual Studio Code's marketplace and start writing web applications in Pascal in minutes. Please, use the support center forums to provide any feedback you want and help us to polish the product towards its upcoming release: https://support.tmssoftware.com/c/web-core/tms-web-core-vsc/87 RADical Web Modern SPA web application model Pure HTML5/CSS3/Javascript based applications Standard component framework for common UI controls and access to browser features Debugging in Pascal code via the browser Backed by a solid & proven Delphi Pascal to Javascript compiler that was years in development Reuse skills and components Open to consume other existing Javascript frameworks & libraries Open to use HTML/CSS for design Open to use other jQuery controls or even other Javascript frameworks Easy interfacing to REST cloud services including to TMS XData for database Easy Deployment Application consists of HTML & Javascript files only that can be easily deployed on any light or heavyweight webservers Use any existing load-balancing software and/or techniques for highest performance Visual Studio Code version benefits WYSIWYG form designer Debugging integrated in the IDE Cross-Platform (Windows / MacOS / Linux) High DPI enabled IDE Ecosystem with many additional plugins to enchance development productivity Get started with TMS Web Core for Visual Studio Code
  4. PeterPanettone

    Cannot copy a TCard in the Structure Panel

    Eureka: I have found a solution at Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63336038/from-the-ides-structure-panel-how-to-copy-a-tcard-to-the-clipboard/63338826 Please vote for it!
  5. Stefan Glienke

    Compiler capability defines and more

    The general hints in the readme are very valuable (and made me revisit some of my ifdef checks) - apart from that it reminds me a bit of https://xkcd.com/927/ Yes, jedi.inc is long and unwieldy at times but it got everything commonly needed - in case it does not - wouldn't it be wiser to add that instead of rolling a new thing? Apart from that the prefix CAPS is kinda misleading imo - why not go with the HAS_ or SUPPORTS_ prefixes? Oh a note on your comment for bitness checking - the example does not entirely match what you describe, it specifically checks for x64 - so x86 and arm would go in the else. Bitness checks would be CPU32BITS and CPU64BITS or whats also common to check SizeOf(Pointer) = 4 for 32bit. Historically the checks are rather for x86 specifically to implement something using asm and then pure pascal in else.
  6. Gustav Schubert

    TListBox OnClick not working just on some machines ?

    OK, OnItemClick is much better, got it - only now. Perhaps OnClick should be deprecated? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48813666/firemonkey-tlistbox-onclick-which-item-is-clicked https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19822639/translating-onclick-to-ontouch-or-something-similiar
  7. I'm a long time developer of open source components and I know this problem very well. The idea is not to ask the component developer to implement something you'd like but ask very simple thing like making a method virtual or change a method visibility from private to protected. Then you'll be able to implement yourself what you need in a derived class. Asking for such simple things which present almost no risk to break something is likely to succeed. But asking the component developer to implement something for you will probably be rejected. You'd better chances to implement it yourself and suggest your changes.
  8. David Heffernan

    Are we just "Cash Cows"?

    A painful read from a development team that has bitten off way more than it can chew.