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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/20 in all areas

  1. Check out some of the interesting algorithms and data structures used to create an extremely light-weight XML DOM. https://blog.grijjy.com/2020/10/07/an-xml-dom-with-just-8-bytes-per-node/
  2. PingPIng

    [Souce code]

    Hello everybody, These are some projects I have created. I have very little time to manage them all continuously so if anyone wants to collaborate or want to make pull requests, they are welcome Keras4Delphi is a high-level neural networks API, written in Pascal(Delphi Rio 10.3) with Python Binding and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. Based on Keras.NET and Keras https://github.com/Pigrecos/Keras4Delphi Binary Code generator Written in pascal. It can generate native code for x86 and x64 architectures and supports the whole x86/x64 instruction set. Assembly Code Generator able to compile single File or Single asm Command. https://github.com/Pigrecos/D_CodeGen symbolic execution whith delphi. The Triton Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) framework - by JonathanSalwan binding (## experimental ##) for Delphi https://github.com/Pigrecos/Triton4Delphi Code Deobfuscator x86_32/64 Dead code removal Peephole optimization remove Multibranch Protection ..More https://github.com/Pigrecos/CodeDeobfuscator And other.... thanks a lot 😉
  3. Alexander Sviridenkov

    general question about embedding docs in an app

    This quote if for HtmlViewer project. HTML Component Library supports almost all HTML tags and CSS properties on all platforms (including mobiles) for all Delphi versions from Delphi 5. Works on all Windows versions starting from XP, has no external dependencies, is more safe (JS is not executed) and gives you full control on loading external files (images, stylesheets, etc). Also it can be used for rendering HTML in any other control (trees, grids, etc) and another libraries (FastReport, ReportBuilder, etc) using GDI, GDI+, DirectX. plaint text or custom renderer.
  4. There is a difference between using a data structure like an array which is optimized by default because the hardware really really likes it and one where additional work has to be done. Well the only thing to optimize on an array is to make the type being stored as compact as possible and to ensure it uses as few cache lines as possible. When implementing a linked list naively you end up with heap memory all over the place - so make it as cache friendly as possible to have to go the extra mile - that's what I meant. But as you said it depends but for adding/removing at both ends a circular buffer array with "wrap around" logic to avoid moving when operating at the head will win I am pretty sure. Additional read on the subject: https://dzone.com/articles/performance-of-array-vs-linked-list-on-modern-comp
  5. Rollo62

    [Souce code]

    Very good, the Python4Delphi community gains traction 👍
  6. Erik@Grijjy

    An XML DOM with just 8 bytes per node

    Your wish is my command. Guess I was a bit lazy earlier... Pushed an updated for this.
  7. Yes, I can now export my data to XML. The resulting XML looks similar to what I get with SimpleXML. I will test it further. Thank you!
  8. Erik@Grijjy

    An XML DOM with just 8 bytes per node

    Glad you like it, and thanks for pointing out this issue. It only happens when you compile with Overflow Checking turned on. The hash functions I use should be compiled with overflow checking turned off, so I just added an {$OVERFLOWCHECKS OFF} directive to the Neslib.Xml.Types unit. Could you pull the latest version and try again?
  9. Arnaud Bouchez

    general question about embedding docs in an app

    Why not just a TRichEdit component? It is easy to store the information in a simple wiki-like format - a MarkDown subset for instance - then convert it into RTF and display in the TRichEdit component.
  10. julkas

    [Souce code]

    Good projects! 👍
  11. Fr0sT.Brutal

    general question about embedding docs in an app

    I too can't realize what's the principal advantage in running a web-server from an app and talking with it over direct display but I'd advice opensource and fully native THTMLViewer which I successfully use as help engine in one of my projects.
  12. Daniel

    [Souce code]

    Please describe your projects a little. This will help others to decide to join or not.
  13. Another factor for your choice: TBytes - zero based indexes AnsiString/RawByteString - one based indexes So - doing over will be a pain.