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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/20 in Posts

  1. Tired of all those programs which install lots of additional stuff I have been using more and more so called “Portable Apps”. “Portable” in this context means: You can put them anywhere, even on a portable storage device and start them from there. These Programs are still Windows only. And of course nobody prevents you from putting them in a folder on the system harddisk, usually c:\PortableApps. All files these programs need are inside this one folder, so in order to move or copy them, you simply move/copy that folder. There is a dedicated launcher and updater for these types of programs at portableapps.com, which is written in Delphi btw. and the source code is available. One thing that has irked me all the time is that these programs don’t show up in the Windows start menu, unless I add them manually, which I usually don’t. Today I had enough and wrote PortableAppsToStartMenu, a tool which given a PortableApps directory collects all the executables stored there and creates shortcuts in the Windows Start Menu for them. Read on in the blog post.
  2. Arnaud Bouchez

    Any luck using 10.4.1 on Windows 8.1?

    hint: you won't have much Windows update for sure on Windows 8.1 nowadays.. Its MainStream support is ended since January 2018... 😉
  3. They have some issues with servers ( 🙂 ) ... it should be fixed very soon. The book comes in digital and/or printed edition. The digital options are EPUB, MOBI and PDF. Thanks
  4. Maybe this can help you: https://github.com/spinettaro/delphi-event-bus
  5. FPiette

    No C/S FireDac for Delphi Professional

    @Mark ElderFinally, what will you do? I ask because you have not reacted to any answer you received. And by the way, if you don't want to write a full message, at least click on the like button of each answer you like. The like button is the heart icon on the right side of each message. Thanks.
  6. Mahdi Safsafi

    Interlocked API and memory-mapped files

    No! CS is not designed to work with inter-process. It may look from the first sight that putting it into a shared memory will do the trick ... but in fact things are more complex than what you think because there is a signaling mechanism involved usually a semaphore that has a local(private) visibility. @Kas Ob. WaitOnAddress apparently works only with threads in the same process.
  7. German Link: https://www.amazon.de/Delphi-GUI-Programming-FireMonkey-interfaces-ebook/dp/B07B3S3F4Y
  8. Ordered the epub+print version.
  9. PeterBelow

    [Firedac] Truncation error on Firebird select query

    This is, in my opinion, a programmer error, not a problem with the framework. You are using data that does does not fit the declaration of the database table. In such an occasion I would expect the framework to throw an error, since bad input should definitely not be swept under the carpet but brought to the user's attention. So, if the value you use for PARAM comes from an edit control filled by the user, the MaxLength property of that control needs to be set to the length of the database field the input is destined to be used with, so bad length input is simply not possible. If that is impractical you have add your own checks for the input before it is used, and produce a sensibel error message, e.g. "A machine ID cannot be longer than 32 characters.". Just my 2 Euro-cents...