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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/21 in all areas

  1. David Heffernan

    Love your competitor :-) ..... ?

    Heljsberg clearly made the right decision for his own career and I would argue that the world of programming is better for him having move to MS than it would have been had he not.
  2. Serge_G

    FMX TListView with dynamicappearance. Create progress bar as bitmap.

    Hi Sorry but, I think we don't play in the same playground. For me, a TListView is used with Livebindings to fill it with data coming from a data source (table, query or list of Object). You use it like a TListBox! With a TListBox it's easy to put in a style whatever you want (in this case a text and a progress bar). By the way, your code is more for this kind of component, Create a style (layout, ttext, progressbar) just to adapt your code in the "for FR in FArray do" loop set the style of the created item item.stylelookup:='mystyleprogress' insert an item.applystylelookup change access to the objects of the item
  3. David Heffernan

    Love your competitor :-) ..... ?

    That's a strange way to spell C# and Typescript
  4. Anders Melander

    Are there any experiences with www.experts-exchange.com ?

    Experts Exchange... the MySpace of QA sites
  5. Uwe Raabe

    TMemo - How to select (highlight) a line of text in code?

    Have you tried MyMemo.HideSelection := False; ?