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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/21 in Posts

  1. With Delphi 11 release a few minutes ago, MMX Code Explorer is already supporting it: Change log V15.0.44
  2. OK, it is not official, but I will share some internals here. You can change the titles of the Welcome Page items to clickable links with a secret registry setting: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0\WelcomePage] "ActivateLinkOnTitle"=dword:00000001
  3. ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 4.93 just released! http://www.almdev.com StyleControls VCL is a powerful, stable package of components, which uses Classic drawing, system Themes, GDI+ and VCL Styles. This package contains the unique solutions to extend standard VCL controls and also has many unique, advanced controls to create applications with UWP / Fluent UI design. Also with this package you can really improve applying and using of VCL Styles in your application. In the new version we have improved system themes support in our controls for Windows 11 system + added some new features requested from our customers.
  4. There are workarounds for large files and binaries. https://www.perforce.com/blog/vcs/how-git-lfs-works
  5. Lars Fosdal

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    For subscription users, both the web installer and the iso is available on https://my.embarcadero.com. The details on what is new: https://www.embarcadero.com/products/rad-studio/whats-new-in-11-alexandria Note that not all GetIt components have been updated for Alexandria yet. Also - at the point of writing - the docwiki is down for the update. It can be installed in parallell with 10.4.x or older, but remember not to mix your versions. Forms modified in 11 may then break for 10.4.
  6. Not really. https://jlericson.com/2021/08/24/git_rewrite_1.html https://jlericson.com/2021/09/06/git_rewrite_2.html
  7. Both. I have scratchpad documents for work-in-progress designs and other notes. My Greenshot (screenshot clipper) also automatically copies screenshots there - so that I can make any number of screenshots in a row without having to think about storing them as I "shoot". It does mean that I have to go in and clear that folder from time to time 😄 So, why not a just the local copy? Well, sometimes I need to access this while on my phone (a question arises, an idea pops up, etc when I'm not near my work computer).
  8. Code, scripts, configurations, schemas, graphics, etc in git Any kind of Office 365 Docs in Teams/SharePoint (where they also are versioned) System documentation in Confluence and Ardoq. Executables are archived and placed in staging folders on the file server by the build server.
  9. Usually I put as much as possible in svn. We have even some projects where we put the executables and dll files and all the files needed for a deployment into the svn. That is great because a tester can just update his working copy and test the newest build. Or he can go back and tell us when a bug was introduced. For the team it is also great. No need to sync images, dlls, configs or other data through some other tool. Just Update your working copy and you are good to continue your development. If you are worrying about the repository size on the server, remember that SVN stores delta files even for binary files. Maybe not as gracefully as for real text files, but disk space is much cheaper then developer time.
  10. For a while I put Word/LibreOfficeWriter and Excel/LibreOfficeCalc documents in subversion, but since they are binary it's pretty pointless, because one cannot easily find what changed. I put some configuration files (linux) there and of course source code of all kinds, including third party sources (and use these via svn:external).
  11. Yes. Usually in separate repository, but sometimes in the same as the project which is using them. Anything I can lay my hands on... my book manuscripts, documentation, illustrations and images, 3rd party source code, my own source code or all kinds, recipes, to do lists, basically all kinds of documents that can (or cannot) change with time.
  12. Carlo Barazzetta

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    Typically, any Delphi app runs smoothly on Windows 11 (I've been using W11 since June). Using an application with native Windows Style, the main differences I found are visible in this form: The window and even the menu have rounded corners The menuitem selected has rounded corners and a smaller area of drawing The major problem is visible in the selected cell of a DbGrid: a strange rectangular and a rounded focused box: very bad to see. If an edit has Ctl3D it works like default in W11: only the bottom border is visible (and colored): when the input receive focus the bottom border gets thicker Selected RadioGroup has a colored border instead of a dot inside. Scrollbars are thiny and enlarged when focused. Buttons are rounded Using a Styled app, all of those problem disappear, but it would be useful to have styles that look like Windows 11, just as Windows 10 styles were created (I hope in the next Delphi 11 release).
  13. Looking at my unrelsolved issues from 10.4.2 and earlier.. 12 might be optimistic 🙄