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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/21 in all areas

  1. Zoran Bonuš

    Firebird Admin Tool

    Flamerobin www.flamerobin.org (free, opensource) Database Workbench www.upscene.com (paid) IBExpert ibexpert.net (paid)
  2. Daniel

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    The code itself works - at the moment it's the adaption to the high-dpi settings. I gave the whole project to another MVP, I will ask about the progress. Well ... I prefer not to talk about this in public. I hope for your understanding.
  3. If you mean the TArray class with the Sort methods and so on then it's System.Generics.Collections. TArray<T> in System is not a class but a dynamic array declaration.
  4. Stano

    Firebird Admin Tool

    My layman's view and experience: I, as a non-programmer, am behind DBWorkbench. The main reason for me is Visual Query Builder. It's incredibly sophisticated. You need to get used to it, but working with it is very pleasant. In addition to the Editors! There they limp a little. (But so do the others.) If you have a parenthesis, you don't know where the cursor is. The high award is for their support. I had a few problems (they actually had them) and some suggestions. They reacted quickly and almost everything was reflected in the product I had IBExpert - I messed up the OS and they didn't renew my license. It kind of didn't fit me I have EMS SQL Manager - it has a few good things, but overall it's not comfortable. Text selection, etc. I tried Red Manager (?) - That was at the beginning of its development. It's free. I don't know what condition he is in now. I think the start-up was good. They are also developing RedDB. Just for interest. The Arabs invest in it and the Russians make it. So they have enough money. I write it directly
  5. haentschman

    Firebird Admin Tool

    Hi...😎 once...https://dbeaver.io/ What tool do you have with Interbase?
  6. Dalija Prasnikar

    Asynchronous Programming Library

    Nope. Frankly, it is abomination. My primary objection is that it slaps control flow into TComponent where it does not belong. TComponent is not thread safe class and asynchronous operations and multithreading imposed on that level open recipe for disaster. It does not give you more control, it takes it away from you and it is overly complicated. Maybe there are some small use cases, but I still haven't found any. At the same time we don't have cancellation token implemented in PPL which desperately needs it. Good implementation of cancelation tokens could then be used in other code even asynchronous one that does not run in threads. I have no idea what is original intent behind that library, so maybe I am missing something obvious.
  7. Daniel

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Not being a MVP anymore, it is the first time in years that I do not have access to a recent version Delphi. But I will have a solution for you. Please give me a couple of days.