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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/21 in all areas

  1. David Heffernan

    Windows 11 checkbox and radio button color

    Isn't the entire point of the system theme that there is system wide consistency?
  2. Tom F

    Bookmarks dead?

    Do you think we should we just give up on ever getting an updated Bookmarks plugin (formerly from Parnassus) that works in Alexandria? It's now two months late. It's very clever of Embarcadero to keep these kinds of major features as optional plugins rather than integrated into the IDE. Because Embarcadero can claim they released a major update, even if some major features (like Bookmarks) aren't available. I wouldn't treat my customers that way. I'll omit a long rant about Embarcadero, since that's been discussed here before. I just want my Bookmarks. And I'm tired of checking the GetIt Package Manager for it. I'm disappointed. And I'm concerned that these kinds of failures may reveal that Embarcadero's development processes are underfunded and broken.
  3. Remy Lebeau

    Another case of tlsv1 alert protocol version

    Only if you want to be able to use Indy components in a Form Designer at design-time. Otherwise, you can just create the components dynamically in code at runtime. Yes. Though, the runtime package binaries do need to be located where the IDE can find them when loading the design-time package binaries. Since you already compiled the binaries, you don't really need to compile them again, so you don't need to open the projects. The "Install Packages" dialog is just looking for the .BPL binaries. But yes, it would just be the two DCL packages. None. You already created them. Basically, you can't. But you can re-enable it when needed. No, you can't. But you can install packages on a per-project basis. So, make sure no project is loaded, and then go into the "Install Packages" dialog and remove the Indy packages. Then, load a project and re-add the appropriate Indy packages you want to use for that project. Then close the project, load another project, and repeat. As long as you maintain the separate Indy versions, you should be able to pick which version you want to use for each project. Of course, this is all just contingent on installing Indy in the IDE at all. If you create Indy components dynamically in code instead, then this matter becomes moot, since you can just make each project reference the appropriate Indy source/binaries folder as needed. Yes.
  4. billyb

    debug IOS using instruments Leak detector

    Finaly got a response on this issue from embarcadero, Created By: David Powell (11/11/2021 2:11 AM) | Last Modified By: David Powell (11/11/2021 2:11 AM) After speaking with development they are aware of a couple of reported memory leaks related to edit and memo controls on iOS/iPadOS. They are all related to IFMXTextRange and IFMXTextPosition. This has not been fixed in version 11. I had asked previously in anticipation that development would want that information. At this point there is no workaround to the issue. Development will have to address the problem in a future update or release. Make certain that you are a Watcher on both RSP-35955 and RSP-35620 so that you will be automatically notified if the status changes or if development posts additional information. Best Regards, - David Powell Support Manager - Developer Tools