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Pascal syntax highlighter treats backslash as escape character
aehimself replied to Remy Lebeau's topic in Community Management
That's a strange way to write sLineBreak 🙂 -
Please see these earlier posts on SynEdit history: SynEdit preferred version? - Delphi Third-Party - Delphi-PRAXiS [en] (delphipraxis.net) Turbo SynEdit & Font Ligatures - VCL - Delphi-PRAXiS [en] (delphipraxis.net) DirectWrite and Unicode support One of the major flaws of SynEdit was the poor handling of Unicode. A major update has been committed to the TurboPack fork, that employs DirectWrite for text painting and fixes Unicode support. SynEdit should now be on a par with, if not better than, the best editors around with respect to Unicode handling. For example: Chinese is properly spaced and surrogate pairs and color emojis are fully supported: Bidirectional text editing is fully supported as well: WordWrap has been re-written and is now based on DirectWrite as well. This last update also includes other enhancements as for example an option to alpha blend the selection, another option for selection to cover just selected text instead of full lines, as in VS code and other editors, and horizontal mouse wheel scrolling: Other recent improvements: The undo/redo system was buggy and a mess, getting in the way of implementing new features. I has been reimplemented from scratch. The gutter has been reimplemented from scratch and is now flexible and extensible. A track changes bar like in Visual Studio has been added and unlike Delphi's it saves and restores line state correctly on undo/redo. The code base has been refactored cleaned-up, and partially documented, yet, and despite of the new features, it is thousands of lines shorter than the original. But a lot more can be done in this area. See here for the full list of enhancements in the the TurboPack fork. Backward compatibility Turbopack Synedit remains compatible with earlier versions of Synedit, but you do need to reinstall Synedit, load forms that use SynEdit ignoring error messages and save them again for the new properties to take effect. The use of DirectWrite though means that Windows XP is no longer supported. The TurboPack SynEdit fork supports Delphi versions Berlin or later. Future plans The next big planned feature is multi-selection and multi-cursor editing. Support the project Most of the bugs remaining in the issue tracker are C++Builder related. Also, the C++ packages have not been updated yet. We are actively seeking contributions on the C++Builder side of things (package updates, bug fixes). Of course you can also support the project by submitting bug reports and pull requests. Or, by implementing new features (e.g. minimap, Sync Edit like in Delphi, Delphi or VS-code like templates etc.) Note: Many thanks to @MarkShark for his great contributions to the SynEdit project.
Pascal syntax highlighter treats backslash as escape character
Remy Lebeau posted a topic in Community Management
Something that has been annoying me for awhile. When posting a code snippet and choosing the Pascal syntax highlighter, backslashes are treated as C/C++ escape sequences, which throws off the coloring. The actual Pascal language doesn't treat backslash as an escape character. Can this be fixed? -
Windows desktop client for verification of EU Covid-19 health certificates
mausmb replied to Daniel's topic in I made this
Now everything is ok ! regards, Marjan -
Why is it relevant what's in the dataset after an error in the client lib? Clear or fill the memory in zeos prior to query the db, you should see that instead of the garbage now. Also, dump the raw result to disk on both pc's and compare. One side, you were mentioning VARCHAR somewhere and the other side you are setting the clientcodepage to UTF16. I don't know oracle but this is interesting. Maybe zeos calculates for varchar and server delivers in nvarchar? Could you do some selects where the actual data is the half of the maximum data etc.. to see the threshold for the error? Btw. are the actual RDBMS's also the same? (You and your collegue)
Pascal syntax highlighter treats backslash as escape character
Joseph MItzen replied to Remy Lebeau's topic in Community Management
Good idea - I'll file an enhancement proposal that Pascal be fixed to treat backslash as an escape character. No more #13#10 in the era of Unicode... -
Windows desktop client for verification of EU Covid-19 health certificates
Thijs van Dien replied to Daniel's topic in I made this
Offtopic perhaps, but I'd advise you not to put such personal information on the internet like this. -
Problems with installing RAD Studio 11 in Wine
Dave Novo replied to AntiClasxson1958's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
The latest version of WINE is 7.0. You are using a very, very old version and trying to use the latest software with that. I would guess you are really shooting yourself in the foot trying to get it to work in a few year old version of WINE. -
I've already addressed this on your StackOverflow question on this same topic: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70977125/ There are several issues in the original code that you would need to fix, regardless of whether you use the code in Delphi or C++Builder. The code is not using module handles and Unicode buffers correctly, which clearly indicates that the code is old, predating Delphi's support for 64bit and Unicode environments. The code needs to be updated before you can then translate it correctly. That is because the code you are struggling with is translated incorrectly. Why are you translating this code AT ALL? You never answered that when I posted it on your StackOverflow question. You can use Delphi .pas files as-is in C++ Builder projects. The IDE will generate a .hpp file that you can then #include into your C++ code.
best way to structure an application
aehimself replied to al17nichols's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
No need for a launcher, a single .EXE can do it - at least on Windows. Windows allows to rename the executable even if your application is running. So the steps are... - Download the updated .exe, and save it e.g. .exe.new - Rename the current application (Application.ExeName) to .exe.old - Rename the updated file .exe.new -> .exe - Launch the .exe and immediately quit - It's a good practice to wait for the previous process to actually die before doing any actual work, like reading settings up, etc. - Upon startup check and delete any .exe.old files I'm using this method and it works like a charm. -
best way to structure an application
qubits replied to al17nichols's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
if it's an application, the easiest answer is in the first sentence.. make a launcher that checks for updates then launches main app, then exits.. I can also second Dave's recommendation as I've used TMS as well and it works great, no second app to maintain. -
Magenta Hardware Components is a set of six main components for Delphi 2007 to Delphi 11.0 and later, as follows: 1 - Magenta Serial Port Detection Component which contains serial COM port enumeration functions, using several methods which can identify different ports depending on how they are installed, all are combined and a sorted array returned with friendly names and install information. 2 - Magenta Hardware Events Component that listens for Windows hardware event messages and calls events handlers for device changes such as serial ports, disk volume changes, low disk space events and power events. 3 - Directory Changes Monitoring Component, that notifies changes in a directory such as file or directory Create/Delete/Modify/Rename. 4 - Magenta GPS and Location Component is designed to process GPS location data from various sources with an event triggered when movement is detected. GPS sources supported include Windows Location API, NMEA 0183 sentences, GT02 GPS Tracker Protocol, TK102/103 Tracker Protocol and WondeX/TK5000 Tracker Protocol. Sample shows movement track on a Google map. 5 - Magenta Firewall Component has functions to search and list selected Windows Defender Firewall rules and settings, and to add and remove such rules. There is also some code that may be used in Inno Setup scripts to set-up firewall rules during application installation. 6 - Magenta Check Disk and Format Disk component used to format fixed or removable disk drives and perform disk checks on Windows NT4 and later. More details and download from: https://www.magsys.co.uk/delphi/maghardware.asp Or SVN: https://svn.magsys.co.uk/svn/maghardware/ Magenta Hardware Components are freeware, but are still copyrighted by Magenta Systems Ltd who may change the status or withdraw it at any time, without notice. Angus
I would capture from the TArcDial only the change (OnChange) and its direction in relation to the last value and program the rest myself. The first change after MouseDown I would discard, so that it comes to no spontaneous jumps of your display and use this value as start value.
For sign apk by Jarsigner ( APK Signature Scheme v2 ) you need: 1. Edit CodeGear.Deployment.Targets add section <Target Name="_AndroidApkSigner" Condition="('$(Platform)'=='$(cAndroid32ArmPlatform)' Or '$(Platform)'=='$(cAndroid64ArmPlatform)') And '$(KeyStoreFile)'!='' And '$(AndroidAppBundle)'=='false'"> <Message Text="Start Apk Signer."/> <Exec Command=""$(ApkSigner)" sign --ks $(KeyStoreFile) --ks-pass pass:$(KeyStorePass) $(SIGNED_APK_FILENAME)" ContinueOnError="True"> <Output TaskParameter="ExitCode" PropertyName="ErrorCode"/> <Output TaskParameter="StdOutEncoding" PropertyName="StdOut"/> </Exec> </Target> 2. add line _AndroidApkSigner; in section <DeployDependsOnTargets> <PropertyGroup> <DeployDependsOnTargets> ... _CheckKeyStore; _AndroidSign; _AndroidZipAlign; _AndroidApkSigner; _CheckAPKFileOutputResult; _CheckAABFileOutputResult; _DeleteAndroidAssetsInfoFile; ... </DeployDependsOnTargets> 3. Create New IDE Environment Variable ApkSigner with value (SDK path)\android-sdk-windows\build-tools\29.0.2\apksigner.bat Thanks to Stas for this solution diff for file CodeGear.Deployment.Targets