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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/22 in all areas

  1. Uwe Raabe

    MessageDlg, mtConfirmation Wrong After Delphi 10.4

    It is even documented:
  2. David Heffernan

    Windows XP App

    Wouldn't it just be better to stop using XP? Doesn't even sound like you have a machine to test on which is tough for a program based on USB devices.
  3. Anders Melander

    Looking for small (vector) drawing component/library

    Unless you're working on a 1970s vector monitor all vectors eventually ends up as raster graphics... Graphics32 has a pretty extensive (and fast) vector layer. Image32 is the same in that regard; A vector layer on top of a raster layer. I would have thought that GR32_Objects would fit the bill but it seems like the couple of hundred lines of code required to implement a complete object based vector drawing application is too large an effort.
  4. corneliusdavid

    auto close or logout when no mouse activity

    Take a look at the CloseApplication.pas unit in an old library of mine. From the README in the main folder of the repository:
  5. rvk

    ICS Email and OAuth2

    Just FYI. Once again (to eliminate any confusion). Google is not requiring OAuth2. You can still create app passwords and use them with your username for sending and accessing mail. OAuth2 is just another option (besides the app passwords) of doing it. App passwords work without any modification of existing code. OAuth2 is always handy if it's implemented but it isn't the only option for Gmail. Even after the change on May 30, 2022.