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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/22 in all areas

  1. Lajos Juhász

    Defining a path variable in Seattle

    LocalExe is an environment variable. You can define it at Tools - Options - Environment Variables.
  2. SwiftExpat

    Font Family selector component needed for FMX

    Commerical from TMS FNC UI Pack. https://download.tmssoftware.com/doc/tmsfncuipack/components/ttmsfncfontnamepicker/ Tradiational picker as well https://download.tmssoftware.com/doc/tmsfncuipack/components/ttmsfncfontdialog/
  3. XylemFlow

    Create animated GIF in FireMonley

    I use the FFVCL component. It allows encoding using FFmpeg to many formats including animated Gif and animated PNG. FMX is supported and platforms Windows, Mac and Android. It's not free though and does require that you include the ffmpeg libraries with your app, which are quite large. The old gifimage code by Anders Melander works on VCL, but not FMX unfortunately. If you're running on Windows only then that may be an option though. http://www.delphiffmpeg.com/ https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/Vcl.Imaging.GIFImg.TGIFImage
  4. Anders Melander

    FireDAC performances

    Ditto. And ditto on your options. Before trying to solve this problem you should determine where your bottleneck is instead of guessing. Is it the DB server, the network, the middleware (FireDAC), or your own code? Examine the CPU, network usage, and DB server (using the activity monitor) during execution. Who's waiting on what? Profile your application or, if you don't know how to do that, just repeatedly pause your application in the debugger and examine the call stack. Chances are that the bottleneck will be somewhere in the call stack. It's a poor man's sampling profiler.
  5. Remy Lebeau

    Add text to existing metafile

    I don't know if this is covered in the documentation (I can't find it), but in TMetaFile's source code is the following comment: So, you just need to Draw() the existing TMetaFile onto the TMetafileCanvas before drawing anything else onto the Canvas - hmmm, but you are already doing that! Looking at the docs and the source code, TMetafileCanvas should not be clearing anything in the TMetaFile at all. Also, the ReferenceDC in the TMetaFileCanvas constructor can be 0, in which case the screen HDC will be used instead. Based on the info above, you don't need a clone at all, since modifications made to the Canvas will be applied to the original TMetaFile only when the Canvas is destroyed, eg: OrigMF := // my metafile in memory MFCanvas := TMetafileCanvas.Create(OrigMF, 0); try MFCanvas.Draw(0, 0, OrigMF); // Draw my stuff on MFCanvas finally MFCanvas.Free; end;
  6. rgdawson

    TEdgeBrowser - Any successful deployments and updates?

    I deploy WebView2 in an MS Store App. Prior, I bundled Chromium Embedded Framework. Webview2 is a wonderful thing. I originally used the built-in TEdgeBrowser, but I switched to Webview4Delphi as it is far more complete. I highly recommend WebView4Delphi (Free and Open Source, and lots of examples). Installation is rarely required these days, but my app will detect if not installed and install it on the fly using the small downloadable bootstrap installer which I embed in my app along with the WebView2Loader.dll. Automatic installation was tricky at first since, at the time, admin privileges were needed and a Store App does not have that and users may not be able to elevate. But then Microsoft made it so that the installer will allow Per-User install and then magically convert it to a Per-System install on the next system update. But, as I say, it is hard to find a system that does not already have Webview/Edge installed these days. TEdgeBrowser will suffice unless you are doing advanced stuff. I am doing some advanced stuff like injecting javascript, sending data from the web page to my app, intercepting keystrokes, security stuff, reading headers and such and TEdgeBrowser was missing those interfaces and I had to write them myself which was a pain. WebView4Delphi is far more complete. In switching from CEF to WebView my app package shrunk from about 200MB to about 15MB. And I can rely on the OS to keep everything up to date for me. With about 40,000 installs of my app, I have had zero problems.