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ICS V8.70 has been released at: http://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download ICS is a free internet component library for Delphi 7, 2006 to 2010, XE to XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney and 11.0 and C++ Builder 2006 to XE3, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney and 11. ICS supports VCL and FMX, Win32, Win64 and MacOS 32-bit targets. The distribution zip includes the latest OpenSSL 3.0.7 win32, with other versions of OpenSSL being available from the download page. Major Changes in ICS V8.70 include: 1 - V8.70 has various minor improvements providing better compatibility with modern compilers such as more unicode overloads to avoid ANSI string warnings and casts, and more use of TBytes to avoid ANSI strings. Updated various samples to use TIcsRestEmail to support OAuth2 authentication for GMail and Outlook that no longer allow old authentication protocols. 2 - The TIcsFileCopy, TIcsFtpMulti and TIcsHttpMulti file transfer components now support file zipping and unzipping using System.Zip in recent Delphi compilers, instead of the obsolete VclZip which is no longer available. Before a file copy or FTP upload, files may be automatically zipped, useful for large log files, after a file copy, FTP or HTTP download, files may be unzipped in various ways. 3 - Added support to TIcsFileCopy to copy file names longer than 259 characters by adding \\?\ to the start of long names passed to Windows APIs, if supported by the disk file system, unicode APIs only. Fixed a problem deleting empty directories after copying. Fixed a problem with BuildDirList2 with COMPILER16_UP. 4 - The OverbyteIcsXferTst sample has a new tabs, 'Single File Copy' to test the CopyOneFile method and 'Zip/Unzipping Files' to test zipping and unzipping that has always been supported by the components but not this demo. 5 - Allow content compression for HTTP and FTP using System.Zlib in newer versions of Delphi instead of the OverbyteIcsZLibObj unit to avoid duplication. Only Delphi 11.1 and later have the same ZLIB 1.2.12 as ICS, so will automatically used System.Zip. Beware a new version of OverbyteIcsDefs.inc is required to allow ZLIB to work correctly, otherwise it will default to using the DLL which is unlikely to be available, it is not in the distribution. So either install the new inc file and customise it, or copy the ZLIB changes to your own inc file. 6 - In TWsocket, added ReceiveTB(var Data : TBytes; MaxLen : Integer = -1): Integer; where MaxLen is optional, to receive TCP data into a TBytes dynamic array of bytes. Also ReceiveFromTB and ReceiveFrom6TB for UDP datagrams. The last release added similar SendTB functions, so buffer pointers and ANSI strings can now be avoided. 7 - Added UTF-8 support to TIcsIpStrmLog, to convert received lines from UTF-8 to Unicode with unicode compilers (as String) and converts sent data to UTF-8. Changed FRxBuffer to TBytes, use SendTB and ReceiveTB methods with TBytes. 8 - Updated OpenSSL to 3.0.7 and 1.1.1s. OpenSSL 3.0.6 was withdrawn shortly after release, we never distributed it. 9 - In OverbyteIcsSslHttpOAuth, added an OAuth2 and Rest Email Microsoft User Authority property to access different user authorities, defaults to 'consumers' but can be changed to 'common' or an Azure Active Directory tenant GUID for corporate accounts. 10 - Added TIcsRestEmail to support OAuth2 authentication to the OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebServ, OverbyteIcsSslMultiFtpServ and OverbyteIcsDDWebService samples, since GMail and Outlook that no longer allow old authentication protocols. 11 - In the TIcsInetAlive component, added a new method AliveMethEither so internet alive checking works if either ping or HTTP works, instead of one or the other. More detailed release notes are at http://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_V8.70 Angus
Newly released book: Delphi Legacy Projects
Bill Meyer posted a topic in Tips / Blogs / Tutorials / Videos
There are many legacy projects which are still in active production. This volume offers approaches to refactoring and modernizing the code base without the need for complete redesign and rewrite. Evolution, not revolution. These are approaches well suited to the incremental revision of production code, as is usually the concern with a commercial product. Motivated by my own experience with legacy apps and the need to find a manageable approach to transforming a product in current production. On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2TY6ZZ4 -
no success in loading MiniConda with recommended setup
pyscripter replied to Talal Bader's topic in Python4Delphi
I was just writing code from memory without testing. What you did is fine. -
tjsoniterator How to fill TListViewItem using TJsonIterator ?
Fr0sT.Brutal replied to wright's topic in Network, Cloud and Web
TLineReader will help. Or old-school ReadLn -
Delphi FMX Android - blocking push notifications permissions
Piotr Daszewski replied to Piotr Daszewski's topic in General Help
It works. Excellent. Thank you very much for help. I already have a basis to solve errors in my application. Thank you again. -
Delphi FMX Android - blocking push notifications permissions
Dave Nottage replied to Piotr Daszewski's topic in General Help
Modified code from the DW.FCMManager unit from this demo: function IsPushEnabled(const AChannelId: string): Boolean; var LService: JObject; LNotificationManager: JNotificationManager; LChannels: JList; LChannel: JNotificationChannel; I: Integer; begin LService := TAndroidHelper.Context.getSystemService(TJContext.JavaClass.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); LNotificationManager := TJNotificationManager.Wrap(TAndroidHelper.JObjectToID(LService)); Result := LNotificationManager.areNotificationsEnabled; if Result and (TJBuild_Version.JavaClass.SDK_INT >= 26) then begin LChannels := LNotificationManager.getNotificationChannels; for I := 0 to LChannels.size - 1 do begin LChannel := TJNotificationChannel.Wrap(LChannels.get(I)); if LChannel.getId.equals(StringToJString(AChannelId)) and (LChannel.getImportance = TJNotificationManager.JavaClass.IMPORTANCE_NONE) then begin Result := False; Break; end; end; end; end; -
Newly released book: Delphi Legacy Projects
David Schwartz replied to Bill Meyer's topic in Tips / Blogs / Tutorials / Videos
You typically don't need to refactor older apps to build them in newer versions of Delphi. But moving a D5 app into something built with D10 and beyond could be quite a challenge, mainly because so many components suffered End-of-Life after D6 or D7, and then again when D10 introduced generics. If all of the 3rd-party component libs the app uses are still available, then you're in luck. If not, you're probably stuck with D5 unless you want to do some major redevelopment -- more than refactoring. -
Happy Holidays from Almediadev and DelphiStyles!
Almediadev Support posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Dear Delphi Developers! Happy Holidays from Almediadev and DelphiStyles! You still can order our products with good discount! https://www.almdev.com https://www.delphistyles.com Regards, Almediadev -
tjsoniterator How to fill TListViewItem using TJsonIterator ?
aehimself replied to wright's topic in Network, Cloud and Web
So, the sample data you mentioned is not a valid JSON document, but one separate JSON object per line as far as I can see. Maybe this is why TJSONTextReader fails - I don't know, I never used it. If the data will always arrive in this format and efficiency / optimization is no concern, you can do something like... Var line: String; jo: TJSONObject; // jv: TJSONValue; Begin For line In TFile.ReadAlltext('C:\[...]\restaurants.json') Do Begin jo := TJSONObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(line)); If Not Assigned(jo) Then Continue; // invalid JSON code in one line Try // ShowMessage(jo.GetValue('borough').Value); // For jv In jo.GetValue('grades') As TJSONArray Do // Begin // ShowMessage((jv As TJSONObject).GetValue('grade').Value); // ((jv As TJSONObject).GetValue('score') As TJSONNumber).AsInt // End; Finally jo.Free; End; End; End; The bad thing about this logic is that it reads the whole contents of the file in the memory, which will stay there until processing is complete. With 12 Mb this is not an issue, but you might hit a barrier if the data is in the GBs range. In that case you can use a TFileStream, read into a String until sLineBreak (or .Position = .Size) and build each JSON object from this. The processing logic can stay the same. -
Get method's name as string from the code inside that method
pudnivec replied to Fr0sT.Brutal's topic in I made this
Finally, I used your code from GitHub (https://github.com/Fr0sT-Brutal/Delphi_StackTraces), in which I took the liberty to make a few changes to account for dynamic address changes when using e.g. ASLR. Added MapAddrOffset: Pointer to variables var MapFileAvailable: Boolean; LineAddrs: TArray<TMapFileLineAddrInfo>; PublicAddrs: TArray<TMapFilePublicAddrInfo>; MapAddrOffset: Pointer; Added the output for MapAddrOffest: Pointer to the ReadMapFile procedure. procedure ReadMapFile(const MapFile: string; out LineAddrs: TArray<TMapFileLineAddrInfo>; out PublicAddrs: TArray<TMapFilePublicAddrInfo>; out MapAddrOffset: Pointer); var arr: TStrArray; CurrIdx, HighArr: Integer; UnitName: string; SegmentInfo: TMapFileSegmentStartAddrs; begin LineAddrs:= nil; PublicAddrs:= nil; arr:= Split(MapFile, NL); CurrIdx:= Low(arr); ReadSegments(arr, CurrIdx, SegmentInfo); ReadPublics(arr, CurrIdx, SegmentInfo, PublicAddrs); //Get MAP address offset MapAddrOffset:= SegmentInfo[1]; . . . . end; Added new function GetOrigMapProcAddress(AName: string): Pointer. function GetOrigMapProcAddress(AName: string): Pointer; var i: Integer; uRes: UInt64; begin Result:= Pointer(0); for i:= Low(PublicAddrs) to High(PublicAddrs) do begin if PublicAddrs[i].Name.Equals(AName) then begin uRes:= UInt64(PublicAddrs[i].Addr) - UInt64(MapAddrOffset); if uRes > High(NativeUInt) then uRes:= 0; Result:= Pointer(uRes); Break; end; end; end; Added new overloaded function GetAddrInfo(Addr, RealAddrOffset: Pointer; out AddrInfo: TMapFileAddrInfo): Boolean. function GetAddrInfo(Addr, RealAddrOffset: Pointer; out AddrInfo: TMapFileAddrInfo): Boolean; overload; var uRes: UInt64; begin uRes:= UInt64(Addr) - UInt64(RealAddrOffset) + UInt64(MapAddrOffset); if uRes > High(NativeUInt) then uRes:= 0; if not MapFileAvailable then Result:= False else Result:= GetAddrInfo(Pointer(uRes), LineAddrs, PublicAddrs, AddrInfo); end; Now it is enough to use this code in any application (including service app), which uses dynamic address change e.g. ASLR. To demonstrate the functionality I used the code from the service app: var RealAddressOffset: Pointer; function TMainService.GetRealAddressOffset: Pointer; var uRes: UInt64; begin uRes:= UInt64(MethodAddress('ServiceStart')) - UInt64(GetOrigMapProcAddress(UnitName + '.' + ClassName + '.ServiceStart')); if uRes > High(NativeUInt) then uRes:= 0; Result:= Pointer(uRes); end; function TMainService.GetAddressInfo(AAddress: Pointer): string; var tmpAddrInfo: TMapFileAddrInfo; begin GetAddrInfo(AAddr, RealAddressOffset, tmpAddrInfo); Result:= AddrInfoToString(tmpAddrInfo); end; Then just call this function e.g. as follows: GetAddressInfo(GetCurrentAddress); -
Thank you so much for the additional great information.
Newly released book: Delphi Legacy Projects
Der schöne Günther replied to Bill Meyer's topic in Tips / Blogs / Tutorials / Videos
Amazon in my country lists it as "Currently not available, unknown when it will be". 😐 Please consider at least some kind of PDF. Kindle, however, would be much appreciated. It's just so incredibly comfortable, and other coding books have this option as well.