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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/23 in all areas

  1. limelect

    ChatGPT Example

    fpiette / DelphiChatGPT https://github.com/fpiette/DelphiChatGPT
  2. xorpas

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    directt link fmx rtl arabic I will put in the link a zip file containing three files Step 1: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\17.0\source\fmx Step 2: Copy everything in it to your project path Step3: Then copy the three files that I will give you and replace the existing ones Step 4: Press Shift+F11 from Delphi and select all the libraries that we have placed in your project path. The 5plan: bulid the program (note that you do not run, but do bulid). You will get an error message, but do not worry. Step 6: Delete all the libraries that we added from Delphi... From the right menu, select all libraries, then press delete. Step 7: Press Shift + F11 and add the following three libraries only FMX. FontGlyphs. Android. pas FMX. FontGlyphs. pas FMX. TextLayout. GPU Step 8: Run. you will get an Android application written in Arabic
  3. Lars Fosdal

    Split String

    You could fully qualify the call. System.SysUtils.SplitString( ... Sorry, brainfart: System.StrUtils.SplitString( ...
  4. Lars Fosdal

    Split String

    I'd use a helper array to avoid running the split twice. var Splits: TArray<string>; begin Splits := SplitString(MyStr,'-'); LeftMyStr := Splits[0]; RightMyStr := Splits[1]; end;
  5. Lars Fosdal

    Digitally Sign Applicaiton

    9009 = file not found. Does $(OUTPUTPATH) contain the actual exe file? And is the path to the certificate correct?
  6. William23668

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    Thanks thats a hidean site ! I installed Download (for build 46141) hope this is correct
  7. FPiette

    Patches for ICS

    Don't worry, I have done that GitHub repository long time ago. It is completely outdated.
  8. Rudy Velthuis

    Should my record be a class instead?

    All these things do not really bother me, but I am thinking of installing movement detectors so doors open (and close) automatically, and lights go on (and off again) automatically. And objects in a program can much more easily be automated than physical objects in a house or building. Add to that that light and door management is often forgotten (doors here are often open and we forget to turn off the light in the kitchen). Likewise, one can also forget to free objects. Computers are much better at this than we are and they don't forget. Manual memory management: is very often done wrong, even by those who think they fully control it; you only really control it if you can code thus that you can be sure that you can't have objects that are freed to early or too late. Not many actually know how to do that (or actually: how to avoid writing code that can do these bad things). Object freed too early: you could access a freed object. Object freed too late: memory leak. is a chore so why not get rid of it? It is not that I can't handle it, it is that I don't want to. I can also handle shift gears and yet I prefer an automatic gear, because that is more relaxed. is the cause of many (most?) errors in programming. It is always nice if you can remove such an important source of errors. So I am quite sad that they want to roll back ARC. It had its flaws, but more because the libraries were not really designed for it and had sometimes conflicting memory management strategies like the ownership/notification principle in the VCL and FMX than because of how ARC actually works. Now they seem to be thinking of going the lightweight smart pointers (hence the desire for auto-constructors and auto-destructors). I am not sure if that is a solution. I had hoped they would go the way MS proposed, a different kind of (indirect) refcounting, something I have been thinking about for years. It requires that pointers work slightly differently, and don't directly point to an object. Oh well. So again: yes we can certainly do all these things, but we tend to forget them and the fact we must do them repeatedly and often is a nuisance, so something that relieves us of that task can make our code safer and easier to write at the same time. It is like buying a car with automatic gear instead of shift gear.