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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/23 in all areas

  1. Hello, is ready to download and test the wrapper around the Opencv version 4.6 C++ API . This is the more recent Opencv stable version. The old pure C API misses all the functions implemented only as C++ classes, starting from the Machine Language module (ML), that was present since the Opencv v 1.0 . Note: from v 2.4 onwards the old C API is always present, although no more officially supported. This version of Opencv, among many other things, has a Deep Neural Network (DNN) module, capable of load and use the most common neural net formats: Tensorflow, Torch, Caffe, Darknet, ONNX. The wrapper supports this, of course, and has many improvements compared to my precedent wrapper for Opencv v 2.4.31 . All suggestions are welcome. On Github: https://github.com/gidesa/ocvWrapper46 Thanks Giando
  2. dzMdbViewer is a small tool I wrote, when I was stuck without a MS Access installation but needed to have a look into a .MDB file (and later .ACCDB file, if the Access Database Engine 2012 is installed). It can open these files and display a list of queries and tables stored in them as well as the data they contain. The new version doesn’t really add anything new to the tool. I updated the project to Delphi 10.2 ... https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2023/04/01/dzmdbviewer-1-0-4-released/
  3. nglthach

    Owner Drawing the Submenu Arrow

    The problem is VCL TCustomForm.WndProc call SaveDC before the owner drawing method, then restore the drawing context by calling RestoreDC Solving the problem by overriding WndProc as: interface TForm12 = class(TForm) public procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override; end; implementation procedure TForm12.WndProc(var Message: TMessage); var MenuItem: TMenuItem; Canvas: TCanvas; SaveIndex: Integer; begin if Message.Msg = WM_DRAWITEM then begin with PDrawItemStruct(Message.LParam)^ do if (CtlType = ODT_MENU) and Assigned(Menu) and not IsVclControl(HWndItem) then begin MenuItem := Menu.FindItem(itemID, fkCommand); if (MenuItem <> nil) and not (MenuItem.GetParentComponent is TMainMenu) then begin Canvas := TControlCanvas.Create; with Canvas do try //SaveIndex := SaveDC(hDC); <==== here is the problem try Handle := hDC; Font := Screen.MenuFont; Vcl.Menus.DrawMenuItem(MenuItem, Canvas, rcItem, TOwnerDrawState(LoWord(itemState))); finally Handle := 0; //RestoreDC(hDC, SaveIndex) <==== here is the problem end; finally Free; end; Exit; end; end; end; inherited WndProc(Message); end;
  4. Hi In latest revision of OverbyteIcsHttpProt.pas this line TypInfo, { V8.71 JK } needs to be changed to {$IFDEF RTL_NAMESPACES}System.TypInfo{$ELSE}TypInfo{$ENDIF},
  5. Any text editor can be used to edit .pas files. It is when configuring projects and editing frames/forms that you are stuck with using the Delphi IDE. CoPilot supported editors are listed here: https://docs.github.com/en/copilot/getting-started-with-github-copilot VS Code works with DelphiLSP and CoPilot - so that is a clear candidate.
  6. Stefan Glienke

    [Very unsure] Indy vs sgcIndy

    I love it when people that don't do open source (or at least not that I know - please correct me if I am wrong) try to force people to make their code free and open source.
  7. That's what I was talking about. AI won't kill us in the way you have seen it in the television. It will kill us with wrong answers.