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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/23 in Posts

  1. I just did some deshittification and perma-deleted my Reddit account. It followed my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat accounts. I never was on TikTok. Enough with the corporate anti-social media. I'd rather be an anti-social among other anti-socials on a truly social platform like Mastodon.
  2. Lars Fosdal

    Program "hides" behind the others

    Personally, I would be fine with it being in the background while I wait for it to complete the update/restart. At that point - I'd prefer a notification panel that would allow me to refocus the new window manually. I really do not like apps that bring themselves to the foreground - for whatever reason. I am looking at you, configured to start-with-first-login Teams, Outlook, and Discord. If I didn't initiate the starting of the app MANUALLY, I don't want it to grab my focus and keyboard input.
  3. Thanks for your kind offer. We managed to solve it on our own, and have used it for a while now.
  4. programmerdelphi2k

    Upgrading from 11.2 to 11.3

    @alogrep my prefere is always a "new fresh install", but others using the "updating" as expected... but we know Embarcadero and its bugs... then... you know. can you try my "tutorial" for test if is possible at least run without errors? https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/9205-delphi-1023-stack-overflow-error-opening-any-project/?do=findComment&comment=76626 any way, I think that is better a new fresh install... at last case!
  5. vfbb

    Colored Notification Icon

    Older versions supported multi-color icons (up to Android 6 or 7 if I'm not mistaken). From then on they are treated as mono color. Even if you have your multi-color icon, Android applies a color filter, with the AccentColor color (if the Use Accent Color is selected). When "Use Accent Color" is not selected, your icon will have the default color of the device's theme. Also, in the Android documentation it is stated that the icon should be white, but in practice there is no difference because Android will apply the color filter anyway. Just don't forget to delete your icon's background.
  6. There goes another enshittification. And we all get to watch it live and in color.
  7. The fox and the wolf meet in the forest. The fox says: Hey! Let's beat up the rabbit. Okay, but why? - asks the wolf. If he's wearing a hat, then for that reason, and if he's not wearing one, then for that reason! - replies the fox. They go to the rabbit and beat him up mercilessly. The next day, the fox starts again: Hey! Let's beat up the rabbit. But we already beat him up yesterday! - responds the wolf. But today, let's beat him up again! - insists the fox. Alright, but why should we do it today? - asks the wolf. We'll go to him and ask for a cigarette. If he gives us one with a filter, then for that reason, and if he doesn't, then for that reason. They approach the rabbit: - Hey, rabbit, give us a cigarette! Do you order a filtered or non-filtered one? - asks the rabbit. To which the fox exclaims: Look at that, for heaven's sake! Once again, he's not wearing a hat.
  8. Uwe Raabe

    Looking for SVG support in Delphi?

    When compiling the packages set dedicated DCU output folders for RELEASE and DEBUG. Then compile the packages first with DEBUG configuration and after that with RELEASE configuration (the other way round would make you work with DEBUG packages in the IDE). Then copy all DFM and RES files from the sources to the RELEASE DCU folder. In your Project Options replace the Search path to the SVG sources with the RELEASE DCU folder from above in the BASE configuration and add the DEBUG DCU folder in the DEBUG configuration. That way the debug dcus are found before the release dcus, while the resource files are still taken from the release folder. To make the debugger find the source files, select Debugger in Project Options, switch to the DEBUG configuration and add the source folder you just replaced to Source Path.
  9. Did the recruiter provide any links to a job spec? I regularly get "recuiters" messaging me in Linkedin talking about a great job but as soon as I ask for a proper job spec they ghost me.
  10. skinnypanda

    IOS 16 SDK support?

    Here is a response from the product development. They could have announced this months ago but they are just letting developers figure out reading the fine print. " Starting April 25 2023, Apple only accepts App Store submissions built with XCode 14.1, requiring the iOS 16 SDK. C++Builder 11.3 supports building iOS applications with the iOS 15 SDK, but does not support the iOS 16 SDK. We have no immediate plans to add support for this SDK version. C++Builder remains capable of targeting the iOS 15 SDK, including distribution of apps through private Ad-Hoc Deployment. Embarcadero remains committed to C++Builder and RAD Studio, and is focusing on providing you with a high-quality Windows toolchain. You can read more about our exciting C++ plans for the future in our product manager’s recent blog post. "