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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/24 in all areas

  1. Dalija Prasnikar

    FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable

    I don't think they or anyone needs advice from AI.
  2. I have created a unit, that is similar to String Interpolation. Of course real Interpolation would be a compiler feature. TStr('Hello, {0}! Today is {1:ddd}, it's {1:HH:mm} now.').Params(name, date); // Hello, Mark! Today is Wednesday, it's 19:40 now. Variables where automaticly detected and converted (automatic type inferrence via Generics), so no need for IntToStr, FloatToStrF... Here a short Description of the Format. It is similar to the Format Specifier of .Net. The Date Format is almost the same like in Delphi, but the other Specifier are different. but i think its a way better than the sprintf Convention that Delphi uses: Integer and Float where automaticly converted and formatted as needed: C for Currency (Number for Decimal Places) D for Integer (Number for prefixed Zeros) F for Double (Number for Decimal Places) Date can formatted with: dd = Day, MM=Month, yyyy=Year HH=Hour, mm=Minute, ss=Seconds there are further possibilities in the readme Readme: https://github.com/VoSs2o0o/NetFormat/blob/master/readme.md Code: https://github.com/VoSs2o0o/NetFormat/ Download: https://github.com/VoSs2o0o/NetFormat/releases Website in German with descriptive Content about the Code: https://www.cloud-9.de/entwicklung/delphi-besserer-format-befehl
  3. Angus Robertson

    No exception handling with server crash

    I maintain and use DDService, but not Eurekalog. I've been using madExecept for many years, but only for logging errors, none of the restart stuff or emails. Strangely, my main web server has crashed twice during the last two nights, restarted within a few seconds, not happened since November and that was development bugs in ICS. Error was C0000005 buffer overrun. Using YUOpenSSL. But it could be hackers trying to exploit several low priority exploits in OpenSSL due to be fixed this week. Angus
  4. Steve Maughan

    App Builder & Blazor

    Hi Lars, You may be right but I find parallel with the current situation with Blazor and 1994 with VB 3. When Delphi was launched VB had first-mover advantage in the RAD development market. There were lots of ActiveX components. Then Delphi came along and provided a cleaner way to develop and the executables were lightning fast. Now we have Blazor and all of the .net luggage that needs to be installed. To me Blazor seems cluncky in the same way VB was clunky back in 1994. I see a sizable gap in the market for Blazor challenger. The key components would be a page-builder (like the ones for WordPress), the ability to drop controls on GUI and change properties, and then create events and code in Delphi / Visual Pascal. If the whole app was then compiled to WASM and run on any browser that would be wonderful. But you might be right, it might be too much for Embarcadero to pull off. Steve
  5. Ian Branch

    Procedure/Function Commenting..

    They don't appear to have a D12 version yet. 😞
  6. Lars Fosdal

    App Builder & Blazor

    Well, my "you" was the general "anyone". And the argument stands: why would anyone chose not to use the massive tooling that already exists for Blazor? Embt would end up in another trying to catch up situation like they did with .net.