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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/24 in all areas

  1. PeterBelow

    Show percentage in VCL TProgressBar

    Perhaps you remember TGauge, one of the sample components that came with early Delphi versions, before Windows introduced the progressbar common control.
  2. Are you compiling your project in Release mode instead of Debug mode? Or with debug info disabled? Have you tried doing a diff between your project file and a working project file?
  3. Fred Ahrens

    Microsoft Trusted Signing service

    There are two places where you need to provide credential information: You need to set Windows environment variables: set AZURE_TENANT_ID=(enter your azure tenant ID here) set AZURE_CLIENT_ID=(this is the client ID of the app you have set up for authentication) set AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET =(thats the client secret value of the prepared app) Best place would be in a batch file that also contains calls to SignTool etc.. Make sure you strictly limit access to this batch file. Then you need to create the metadata.json file to be used with SignTool and the Azure Trusted Signing DLL: { "Endpoint": "correct URL for your area", "CertificateProfileName": "name of the certificate in your trusted signing account", "CodeSigningAccountName": "name of your Trusted Signing account, NOT your e-mail address or other user ID" } If the details are set correct, you should be able to authorize against the Azure Trusted Signing service and sign your files with SignTool. Setting more variables than the ones mentioned above may confuse the authorization process and may cause the internal selection of another authorization method (there are many) that might not work for your case.
  4. Rather than editing SysUtils (and having to keep your changes up to date every time you upgrade Delphi), Detour the function calls you are concerned about: https://github.com/MahdiSafsafi/DDetours You can hook all of the relevant API calls and return whatever values you want.
  5. Dave Nottage

    Memo and html

    You might be able to modify this code to use TMemo instead of TLabel: https://github.com/grijjy/CodeRage2019/tree/master/HtmlLabel
  6. Remy Lebeau

    Memo and html

    The standard FMX TMemo simply does not support HTML (or even basic text formatting in general). You will have to use a 3rd party control (or make your own from scratch) to display rich/formatted text.
  7. Rollo62

    New desktop FMX app - third party controls?

    My recommendation would be, to avoid 3rd Libraries as much as possible. Since FMX on Mobile is very volatile and Android/iOS change significantly every 6 months, it is very important not to rely on additional, possibly unstable, external components. My recommendation would be, to make as much as possible on your own. I can recommend DelphiWorlds-Kastri as a common life-saver, TMS FNC and other TMS components - since they are quite active, but I would still reduce any external reference as much as possible. Moreover, I would not directly try to port a desktop app to mobile. Better to start clean with a mobile-first app and then put your "desktop" functionality back step-by-step.