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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/24 in Posts

  1. tinyBigGAMES

    CPas - C for Delphi

    Ok, I've revived this project. Now you can link in static C libs directly into Delphi: tinyBigGAMES/CPas: Static C Libraries for Delphi (github.com)
  2. Kas Ob.

    CPas - C for Delphi

    No, and LIB files is not supported by Delphi for good reason, which is hell of naming and scope, doable though. LIB files are merely a package of object files (.o or .obj), which does have COFF format only with files/sections, in other words it is an uncompressed container of list of files, and that is it. You can use LIB in Delphi but you need to do some conversion first: 1) unpack all the object files form the LIB, there is many tools on the net to do so, there is many tools to do so but you need to search for them and try the one that work with your lib file as different compilers tend to produce a little different lib format or tweaks, while most such tools are built for specific format/tweaks. 2) link the unpacked objects files into one object file, many linkers do this with the command -relocatable (or -r) , though not all linkers support wildcard like *.o and you need to list all the names of object files, and the -o parameter will give you the one linked (combined) one object. 3) use the one object file from (2) same as you use o files, in this case it is the lib itself. extra info https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3811437/whats-the-format-of-lib-in-windows
  3. Hi Everyone, My name is Tim and have been using Pascal forever (among other languages) since the 90s. For a variety of reasons I've transitioned (/transitioning) into tutoring and mentoring, and have launched a YouTube channel dedicated to all things Delphi. My first video, "Starting an Adventure with Delphi," is here - In the future, I'm planning to cover a range of topics, including: - Building modern Delphi applications for FireMonkey - Essential data structures for Delphi developers - Tips for debugging those tricky Delphi problems I'm really passionate about keeping Delphi alive and well. Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned developer looking to brush up your skills, I hope you'll find something valuable on my channel. Let me know what you think - especially if you have any topic suggestions!
  4. Brandon Staggs

    Quality Portal going to be moved

    Delphi is already problematic when it comes to quality control. The new system is so mind-bogglingly horrible that the friction to post a new bug report is even greater than it used to be. And now we can't even vote for issues that matter to us, so Embacadero has no objective signal on what to focus on. This is not good for the future of Delphi. I knew an ISV developer who made pretty decent Windows utilities who would go out of his way to hide feedback mechanisms in his software. He would hide contact details behind a menu item only accessible from the form's system menu, so only the most determined people would ever find it. He just didn't want to deal with customers. This reminds me of that. The new QA is so irritating to use that I just don't even go there. The old one sucked bigtime, but it was at least usable enough that I would try. Now I am not even bothering.
  5. Anders Melander

    Quality Portal going to be moved

    I have migrated countless JIRA instances from server to cloud and it has never been "a significant effort". The only problem I can think of is if they had modified their server so much that it couldn't be migrated automatically. Indeed. Normally this wouldn't be that big of an issue as lack of features and bug are to be expected, this being a relatively new product. But the problem with Atlassian is that the suckage only ever increases. I think they hate their users. Eventually Github will eat their lunch.
  6. dummzeuch

    Variable might not have been initialized

    Which again highlights the value of a code formatter. I'm so used to that that I overlooked the if statement. 😞
  7. Uwe Raabe

    Variable might not have been initialized

    Reading the code despite of its irritating formatting reveals the problem: WorkOrdersSelectedRow := WorkOrdersGrid.Selection.Top; if FWorkOrderManager.GetWorkOrderDataByIndex(WorkOrdersSelectedRow - 1, Data) then // evaluates file index FileIndex := ARow - 1; if (FileIndex < 0) or (FileIndex >= TWorkOrderData.FILE_DATA_SIZE) then Exit; FileIndex will not be initialized when the if clause fails. BTW, it also irritates that the compiler is charged guilty first.
  8. Jim McKeeth

    vote for GExperts .

    Vote for GExperts in the Essential Delphi Addins survey https://forms.gle/xuFWpSrE5TDdordNA
  9. gkobler

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Solved in build 26: Now you can setup the settings
  10. Dave Nottage

    Browse for Image, Android

    Browsing outside of the application itself requires intents. You could use Kastri, which has this Files Selector demo.
  11. Minox

    Just open folder ( Android )

    I use this: uses Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText, Androidapi.Helpers, System.Messaging, Androidapi.JNI.Net, Androidapi.JNI.App, PROCEDURE TForm1.GetFileBrowser; VAR Intent : JIntent; ReqCode : Integer; BEGIN ReqCode := 1000; Intent := TJIntent.Create; Intent.setType(StringToJString('*/*')); Intent.setAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); Intent.putExtra(TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE,true); TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SubscribeToMessage(TMessageResultNotification, procedure(const Sender : TObject; const aMessage : TMessage) VAR msgRES : TMessageResultNotification; begin msgRES:= TMessageResultNotification(aMessage); If msgRES.RequestCode=ReqCode Then if (msgRES.ResultCode=TJActivity.JavaClass.RESULT_OK) Then Begin URIfileTrn := msgRES.Value.getData(); //URI sing file selez If URIfileTrn=Nil Then //multiselez ClipDataF := msgRES.Value.getClipData; End; end); TAndroidHelper.Activity.startActivityForResult(Intent, ReqCode); END; and then via thread process the URI