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  1. This is still a work in progress, but I'm really happy with how it is going so far so I thought I would share... https://github.com/jimmckeeth/FMXColorDialog There are a few custom components in the dialog, and there is a palette code library, plus there is a new CMYK color record. Just fun project to mess around with on vacation. FMXColorDialogSample_PseA8aEaZC.mp4
  2. Uwe Raabe

    Minor Uninstaller bug

    This usually happens when MMX has been installed for all users, i.e. as an admin. That will use HKLM for the Experts entry, which will be copied to HKCU when a user starts Delphi. As the installer didn't add these registry entries, it refuses to remove them when uninstalling (this is standard behavior of InnoSetup). Actually, these kind of quirks are the reason why Install for me only is recommended. If you are the only user at the system it doesn't matter at all and if you are not, each user will have its own copy of MMX installed (they can even have different versions). I always try to clean up as neatly as possible when uninstalling, but I didn't find a reliable way to do that without jumping through hoops with the registry and several user folders.
  3. I still have not a smooth workflow under iOS, as before. With the injection of the current lldb SymLink into the PAServer package, I could at least start an app on a device. It behaves as follows: Compile and RunNoDebug - Deploy and Launch after compile - iOS app gets loaded - After deployment, the app tries to start but immediately fails (due to missing debug support) - The app pops up shortly, then crashes immediately - At least I can start the app manually Compile and RunWithDebug - Deploy and Launch after compile - After deployment, the process stucks (due to missing lldb), PaServer messages look as below - The problem is, that the IDE crashes too and must be restarted, same as PaServer. The PaServer process seems to continue even after close. - I used to kill all PaServer processes ( can be more than one ), by shell command, but thats an ugly solution. - I've found a possible solution by PaServer command s ( stop server = kill the process ) and restart PaServer again - But that doesn't prevent the IDE crash. It is really a messy workflow now, if pressing the wrong button it crashes, debugging is no longer possible. XCode_1540, RadStudio 12.1 Upd 1 Does this behave now same on all machines, or is it only here? I really hope for a fix, that bring back normal debugging soon, I hope by patch of IDE & PaServer. Is there anything I still can improve by myself?
  4. corneliusdavid

    Upgrade from delphi 6 to delphi12

    Code Compatibility. Delphi is nicely upwards compatible. There may be a few things where Unicode or AnsiString types are concerned but the code itself is surprisingly simple to upgrade. Third-Party Components: This may be the biggest challenge. Many small third-party component vendors are no longer around and there are some new ones. If you used Woll2Woll, you're in luck; if you used AddictSpell for spell-check, you'll need to look at TMS or DevExpress. If you used Raize Components, they now come with Delphi as Konopka Signature VCL Controls. TurboPower components are now open source with a few of them forked off to new products. You will have to do a lot of research to figure out which ones you can upgrade, which ones you'll have to replace. Database Connectivity: This will be highly dependent on what database you're connecting to. If you used a dBASE or Paradox type connection through the BDE, you would be advised to migrate to a SQL-based engine. If you used a BDE-replacement database, like DBISAM or one of the many others that are still in business, you can likely just upgrade. There are a few, like Firebird or Advantage, that FireDAC actually supports today. User Interface: Monitors are much bigger and have much higher resolution today, so a program that looked fine on 800x600 yesteryear will look tiny and outdated today. Increase the font size, use TGridPanel in some cases, add styles, use AlignWithMargins, and study webinars on the subject. A lot of the answers you're seeking will depend a lot on what you have. For example, the database update could be simple or difficult depending on what you're using. I'm involved in a large migration from Delphi 5 to Delphi 12 and the database back end is SQL Server which makes it simpler in some ways but going from BDE to FireDAC is not easy. If we were using a well-established database alternative that existed for D5 and is still around today, we probably wouldn't have to change quite so much--but then again, it all depends on how it was originally written: iterating through table components, no matter what database technology or components are in use, should be tossed in favor of writing queries--which could've been done in D5 or D6. Lots of other good answers here too, but with vague questions, you'll get vague answers.
  5. You could use: Label1->Caption = oss.str().c_str();