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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/24 in all areas

  1. Angus Robertson

    TIcsFtpMulti failing... (Version 8.65)

    I've looked briefly at your log, and it seems a lot of early commands are failing trying to check if the file being uploaded already exists on the server (MLST, MDTM) due to the same missing file name as after upload. But the logging is not enough to show where the name is lost, it's a balance between debug bloat and being user friendly. The FtpUpOneFile function is not one I use in any of my current applications, only FtpUpload, although both use the same internal functions for all FTP commands. But it might be worth trying FTP Multi with source file name as your single file, and see if that works OK. I'll do some more testing of the single file transfer functions, but not today. The only thing to try would be a different file name, not an EXE, no idea how, but perhaps some AV software is corrupting these commands to stop you uploading EXE files, it's the kind of thing the end point protection gangs do in the name of protecting you from yourself. This is a very long shot, I hope! BTW, it not the FTP server, the commands don't reach it. Angus
  2. Hi All I created a Delphi implementation of UUIDv7 - RFC 9562 UUIDv7 values are time-sortable, which means you can sort them in increasing order based on when they were generated. https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/VSoft.UUIDv7 Should work with XE2=12.x Win32/Win64 and all platforms on 11.3 or later. Usage : var guid : TGuid; begin guid := TUUIDv7Helper.CreateV7; writeln(guid.ToString); end;
  3. The multi view is a good idea for smartphones but a menu on Windows and a toolbar on Mac are better. Why having to click somewhere to access things we could have on screen without clicking on it ? (and don't forget keys shortcuts) Depending on the app, don't forget Android can be used on Chromebooks and other devices with a real keyboard.
  4. Stefan Glienke

    Watch me coding in Delphi on YouTube

    omg, no! Followed by "How do I fix these random Access Violations that appear in my code"
  5. Anders Melander

    Watch me coding in Delphi on YouTube

    Next up: How to use "with" to make your code more readable.
  6. Dalija Prasnikar

    With's the deal with "With"?

    We are talking about TRect here. Very basic type used all over. It is not very likely that one will create his own types for just about everything. And this is where using with can easily break your code without you even realizing it is broken. This is especially problematic when used in combination with UI where testing is hard and you can have a lot of code that is poorly covered with tests that could reveal such issues. 'with' is relic of another time and another coding practices. And, yes you could shoot yourself in the foot even back then, but now it is extremely easy to do so. Not using 'with' is the best advice one could offer. It is almost like using goto and absolute. You may have some very limited use case where using it is justified, but you will not find such constructs being used at large.
  7. Stefan Glienke

    With's the deal with "With"?

    It's not about proper naming - its about newly added members creeping into the with scope - as happened when TRect got Height and Width properties! It was perfectly clear that Top, Left, Right, Bottom referred inside the with belonged to the "withed" rect variable and Height and Width to something outside - now those got added to TRect and boom.