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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/24 in all areas

  1. Jim McKeeth

    fmxLinux missing?

    This might work getitcmd -i=fmxlinux-12-1.78 this is the version that is installed in 12.1, and if you use the getitcmd from the RAD Studio command-prompt it should install and work.
  2. That's so obvious that I just asked myself why I didn't think of it. So, thanks a lot! I could either call plink.exe (from Putty) or even easier, use libssh2 and the pascal bindings from @pyscripter. In fact I just got the sources, downloaded the libssh2 and openssl dlls from the PHP project page and changed the SshExec demo to bypass the password prompt and call a test script as root. Worked fine. And as a plus I don't even have to install anything on the server, just use the existing ssh server, create some scripts and allow the appropriate users to call them as root without password in the sudoers configuration.
  3. This is just to say that pyscripter/Ssh-Pascal: Delphi ssh library wrapping libssh2 (github.com) includes binaries that do not require OpenSSL, but use Windows CNG instead. It also includes scripts that make it very easy to update the binaries.
  4. Hi everyone! I'm looking for a Delphi developer that MUST be located in Denmark due to the nature of the work. There's a full job description on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/4047737363/ Is anyone interested? Thanks!
  5. Angus Robertson

    SSLWebSocketCli as DLL

    All the old samples archived from V9 are still available from a different SVN repository https://svn.overbyte.be/svn/icsdev/arch-samples/ I update them minimally to build for each new release. Angus
  6. Angus Robertson

    SSLWebSocketCli as DLL

    I'll restore and update the OverbyteIcsDll1.dpr sample for V9. Angus
  7. Remy Lebeau

    Identifying Third-Party and Custom Components

    AFAICR, yes. My old team used BCB 5 and 6 exclusively, and when we started using source control, we had to manually set our DFMs to text format.
  8. Angus Robertson

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    It would be good if GetIt kept a 'previously installed' list when it uninstalls stuff, which is not cleared during a new install, and that list had a re-install button. It would also be good if GetIt properly uninstalled Parnassus and FmxLinux so the new install does not just fail with a load of DLL errors. Angus