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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/24 in Posts

  1. Hi All We have developed a client/server product to handle code signing. This makes it simple to code sign from any machine and avoid the dreaded token password prompts. It also supports file based certificates for those who still have valid ones! The client is a single exe (with a similar command line interface to signtool.exe) - 64 bit windows 10/Server 2016 or later (may run on earlier versions but not tested). The server is supported on Windows 10/Server 2016 or later (may run on earlier versions but not tested). Linux support for the server is planned (we have it building but have not tested yet). The server has a web interface for configuring it (adding certificates, managing users etc). We have tested with Safenet tokens (with our own cert) and with Yubikey tokens (with self signed cert). It should work with any token that provides a 64bit pkcs#11 2.4 library dll. We are especially interested in hearing from people with Yubikey tokens (since we have only tested with self signed cert). The token needs to be available to the server machine, either plugged in directly or via usb passthrough for vms, or via virtualhere. We’re still working on docs but it’s pretty simple to get up and running with it, we’ll provide some instructions with the download info etc. If you are interested in testing this product email support @ finalbuilder.com - let us know what kind of token you have.
  2. dummzeuch

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    I have been using it for about a week now and don't see any such problems. So either I have got a very special installation or you have one. edit: There are quite a few minor glitches though, but it's getting better.
  3. microtronx

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    I had the same experience in the beginning. After encountering the initial issues, I decided to reinstall all third-party components (TMS, DevExpress, etc.), and now everything is running smoothly without any problems. You might want to try reinstalling those components as it could resolve the access violations and debugging issues you're facing.
  4. @Jim McKeeth has updated the GExperts documentation a bit. It’s far from finished but that’s better than the totally outdated one on gexperts.org. I have now exported it as webhelp and checked it in to subversion. You can read it at my newly created domain help.gexperts.de. (The domain is temporary only for now. I got it cheap but I’m not sure I will keep it.)
  5. Angus Robertson

    How to use libssh2 with ICS V9

    I don't see why another DLL or application should not load different DLLs to those ICS uses, but never tried it. Beware OpenSSL 1.1 is now out of support, so whoever supports the SSH DLL should have updated to OpenSSL 3 at least two years ago. There is little demand for SSH which is why ICS does not support it. All Linux systems using SSH should be able to use better SSL/TLS protocols as well. Angus
  6. John van de Waeter

    [PAClient Error] Error: E8712 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:

    After hours of comparing between the debug and the release version..... I found that somehow 3 files in the deployment table got unchecked. No idea how that happened, but it did. After checking those files again, everything worked as expected.
  7. Remy Lebeau

    Copy file to temp folder fails

    Use the Win32 SHFileOperation() API to copy the file with the FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION flag: If you need to know what the copied filename was renamed to, include the FOF_WANTMAPPINGHANDLE flag as well: Alternatively, on Windows Vista+, you can use the IFileOperation API instead, using IFileOperation.SetOperationFlags() to set the FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION flag, IFileOperation.CopyItem() and IFileOperation.PerformOperations() to perform the copy, and if needed use an IFileOperationProgressSink event sink to discover the copied filename in the PostCopyItem event.
  8. Lajos Juhász

    Copy file to temp folder fails

    No there is no way if the file is locked it is not going to be deleted. You should first try to add: If FileExists(lTempFolderFullFileName) then if not DeleteFile(lTempFolderFullFileName ) then SendMadBugReport(Self, 'CopyFileToTempFolder(), delete failed'); // <<<<<<<< HERE IT FAILS!!!!!!! Why do you have an empty try ... except block? That is very dangerous at least you should send a bug report with the exception. Ignoring an exception can lead to other bugs in a program.
  9. Tom Chamberlain

    Which ODBC driver version is used by FireDac

    Use the TFDConnection object's GetInfoReport() method, it takes a string list. It shows everything you want to know about the connection and the driver it used/picked. We have this on our login/splash screen hidden behind a TLabel double-click event because we were having the same types of issues. Also look into the FDDrivers.ini file configuration. ================================ Connection definition parameters ================================ DriverID=MSSQL Database=******* User_Name=******* Password=***** ODBCAdvanced=TrustServerCertificate=Yes; MARS=Yes Server= VariantFormat=String ExtendedMetaData=True ================================ FireDAC info ================================ Tool = RAD Studio 12 FireDAC = 29.0.51961.7529 Platform = Windows 32 bit Defines = FireDAC_NOLOCALE_META;FireDAC_MONITOR ================================ Client info ================================ Loading driver MSSQL ... Loading odbc32.dll driver manager Creating ODBC environment handle Searching for ODBC driver ... Checking for ODBC driver [ODBC DRIVER 18 FOR SQL SERVER] ... Found [ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server] Driver Manager version = 03.81.19041.0000 ================================ Session info ================================ Checking session ... Warning: The client [] and server [] major versions difference > 1. Warning: MS ODBC 11 does not support SQL_VARIANT data type. Warning: SQL Server 2016 and compatibility level >= 130 may lead to DATETIME comparision failure. Current catalog = Current schema = dbo Driver name = msodbcsql18.dll Driver version = 18.03.0003 Driver conformance = 3 DBMS name = Microsoft SQL Server DBMS version = 16.00.1130
  10. Uwe Raabe

    tag as String

    @PeterBelow It is even possible to inject new properties to the Object Inspector. In Cmon.DataSense.Design.pas I use this technique to add a DataSource and DataField property to supported controls. The additional data is stored in a special component (TDataSense) using a dictionary internally:
  11. Jim McKeeth

    fmxLinux missing?

    This might work getitcmd -i=fmxlinux-12-1.78 this is the version that is installed in 12.1, and if you use the getitcmd from the RAD Studio command-prompt it should install and work.
  12. Remy Lebeau

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1
