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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/24 in all areas

  1. Save 25% on new registrations with coupon code BF2024! The latest version, DocInsight 2025 Insiders (Version, was released on November 24, 2025. DocInsight 2025 Release Notes (Draft) Download
  2. Hi All 40% off on new licenses until midnight 4th December - no need for a coupon, the discount will be applied automatically. We have opened up sales on our code/document signing server Signotaur - although the actual release is not until next week the release canidate is available for download. https://www.finalbuilder.com/store
  3. Order incoming... Now we just need to get the EV-vetting process completed.
  4. Olli73

    TRestRequest and IOS...

    In case of ExecuteAsync, have you used the ACompletionHandler Parameter instead of the Afterexecute event and also set the ASynchronized Parameter to true?
  5. Rollo62

    Buying a mini pc to install Delphi

    I'm using Parallels too, because at those days, VmWare Fusion was year behind and unsure to support Apple Silicon at all, while Parallels was way ahead and went clearly all-in. This forced me to move from my beloved VmWare to Parallels, and nowadays I would say that Parallels still is a step ahead, even if VmWare might get closer. The unclear strategy of VmWare at the time, and even today with Broadcom as their latest owner, I'm distracted enough that I haven't touched it for a while. No problems with Parallels so far.
  6. Dave Nottage

    Buying a mini pc to install Delphi

    Since Windows ARM can run x86 code, yes. Rosetta on Mac doesn't have anything to do with the above, as far as I know - that's just for whether Intel macOS apps would be able to run in the Mac host.
  7. Dave Nottage

    Buying a mini pc to install Delphi

    Parallels allows you to run Windows ARM VMs on M-series Macs
  8. I agree with @Uwe Raabe As you state that the APIs may return structures that cross reference one another - a record would not be suitable here, unless you had pointer support. The record is normally defined as something with a fixed size, and as Uwe pointed out, the interdependence means this constraint would not be met. So you would either need a pointer to a record (a forward can be defined for that), or use classes (that we know are heap bound). If your codegen can do some analysis and identify which entities have interdependencies, you could choose to use records in one case and classes in another, but IMO, just having a single consistent approach will save you in the long run. I'd just go for using classes.
  9. João Antônio Duarte

    VSoft.UUIDv7 - a Delphi implementation of UUIDv7 (RFC 9562)

    I ran a benchmark test and found that your implementation is much more performant than mine. Congratulations on the great work!
  10. Vincent Parrett

    VSoft.UUIDv7 - a Delphi implementation of UUIDv7 (RFC 9562)

    I rely on TGUID.NewGuid to generate the random parts - under the hood it uses CoCreateGuid which uses windows cryptographic apis - which are far more random than Delphi's Random function (and faster).