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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/21 in Posts

  1. dummzeuch

    FinTech anyone?

    I never heard that term either, but I'm not American. I heard of Fintech though, not sure what it means other than just another buzzword about making money with other people's money.
  2. Image32 is a 2D graphics library written entirely in Delphi Pascal. It provides an extensive range of image manipulation functions and includes a polygon renderer that supports a wide range of filling options. Documentation: http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Docs/_Body.htm Examples: http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Docs/Examples.htm Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/image32/
  3. vfbb

    Open PDF File

    Edge, Firefox and Chrome open any pdf without addon.
  4. A list is a good solution for that. Either a list of strings, or a list or colors or a list of color index. The best depends on what you need to do with that data after having captured it. Example: var ColorList : TList<TColor>;
  5. You mean to define a NEW type, like that type TFileTypeRange = ftPDF.. ftXLSX; I think you can do that in certain local scopes and places, but does this really make sense ? The real goal of enum's is, when they were shared and used to guarantee correct values between several units, like pre-defined constants.
  6. program Project4Fixed; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.Generics.Collections, System.SysUtils; type IMyIntf = interface ['{FCAFF2E8-5F8E-4473-8795-89BD41C89D57}'] end; TMyList<T:IMyIntf> = class FItems: TList<T>; procedure AddItem(AItem: T); function GetItem: T; end; TMyType = class end; TMyTypeList<T:TMyType> = class FItems: TList<T>; procedure AddItem(AItem: T); function GetItem: T; end; { TMyList<IMyIntf> } procedure TMyList<T>.AddItem(AItem: T); var Value: T; begin FItems.Add(AItem); // E2008 Incompatible Types No more - Compiler happy FItems.Add(Value); // Compiler is happy end; function TMyList<T>.GetItem: T; begin Result := FItems[0]; // E2008 Incompatible Types No more - Compiler happy end; { TMyTypeList<T> } procedure TMyTypeList<T>.AddItem(AItem: T); var Value: T; begin FItems.Add(AItem); // E2008 Incompatible Types No more - Compiler happy FItems.Add(Value); // Compiler is happy end; function TMyTypeList<T>.GetItem: T; begin Result := FItems[0]; // E2008 Incompatible Types No more - Compiler happy end; begin try { TODO -oUser -cConsole Main : Code hier einfügen } except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end.
  7. vfbb

    Open PDF File

    Try this: uses System.SysUtils, System.IOUtils, Winapi.Windows, Winapi.ShellAPI; procedure OpenPdf(const AFileName: string); var LURL: string; begin LURL := TPath.GetFullPath(AFileName).Replace('\', '/', [rfReplaceAll]); LURL := 'file://' + LURL; ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(LURL), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); end;